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 New story guys! So excited! I hope you like it, I sort of got the idea from a song, and well, it stayed on my mind for months. And now, I finally released all those ideas.

Thank you for reading. This is just the prologue.


 Saturday morning, 8:45 am.

 Winter usually makes me feel way more nostalgic than autumn does. I miss home sometimes, but then I remember "this is want you wanted, silly".

I had to spend my 18th birthday alone, well, my band mates made me a small party oi my apartment, but this isn't home, I have to remind myself over and over that I wanted to come to New York because, this is where I could have the big chance. Years ago, I wouldn't have dreamed about this, but I've always been in this writing thing, I've been playing the bass guitar for about four years now, and I'm not that bad at singing. As I said, I've got band mates, because I'm on a band, I'm the singer and I wrote every song we've played, except for he other bands covers we've made...

It's chilly outside. Mum is alone, my older brother left home a while a go to make out a career as an actor, I'm more of a writing person... and also in to music. And now I left, mum wanted me to follow my dream, apparently I've got some writing skills. It's scary to be alone, back in California, everything was smaller, New York is huge! 
I'm exited though, everything feels right, I guess.

As I closed my notebook, which I completely refuse to call a dairy or journal, because, it's got a name, (Blicker) I decided that maybe I should go visit Miles, the day I came here, I bumped in to him around school, and we've been friends ever since, he's told me how someone recorded him on one of his small gigs back in England, and then, two months later, he received a card from a school in New York (NYU) telling him how they saw his video and that they were more than greedy to accept him, so there he was. My story is much more complicated than that, first of all, I wans't a hundred percent sure that I wanted to be a musician, because I was worried not to make it, I wasn't sure about my "skills" at music and lyrics. And I tend to be sort of shy, but just at the start.

I tend to be loud, and cheerful when I get the chance. Yeah, but autumn and winter remind me of home, and my mother.

I checked out myself on the mirror quickly, before grabbing a jacket and heading out, slamming the door. My hair was okay, but my eyes had some grey bags underneath them, college is kicking my ass. But I enjoy it on a way.

I crossed the street, and headed first to the library, just quickly to grab a book for a homework. As I remembered that the way to the library was actually the other way I was walking to, I turned around quickly, I was quick enough to bump in to a guy, who seemed to be extremely irritated, especially when all his papers flew around the crowded street.

"Oh shit."

He just frowned, and tried to quickly pick them up from the floor. I moved quickly and managed to pick some of them before people stepped on them.

"So sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"Yeah, obviously." He muttered in a sarcastic tone, how rude.

The man didn't looked old, in fact, he was pretty good looking. He was tall, a bit tan, wearing a long coat and a scarf. His hair was a sexy dark brown, and fell a bit over his eye, his eyes were a chocolate waterfall, and his checks, had this natural blush that make him look sexier.

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