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This chapter is not in anyone's point of view.

Ollie raced To the hospital and stepped into the lift, he knew Zosia would only just be finishing her shift so he may be able to see her there.

"Right I can do this, what am I scared of? I can do this I just need to tell her the truth."

He was trying to help himself out but as the lift got closer to Darwin he felt his hands begin to shake and his palms begin to sweat. He had never felt so scared in his life, he thought about if Zosia didn't feel the same way or if he completely makes a fool of himself and can't get the words out or if Zosia was even there.

The lift got to Darwin and the doors began to open, Ollie was petrified or was until he saw her.

After listening to what Jac had said Zosia had had the same idea as Ollie and remembered mo saying he'd gone out side. She raced to the lift but as soon as the doors opened they reviled Ollie standing there in the lift slightly out of breath

They both spoke at the same time "Zosia" "Ollie"

Zosia stepped into the lift but also into the silence, both knew what they wanted to say but neither knew how to say it.

The lift began to go down again but suddenly stopped just a few seconds later. 

"What why have we stopped.?" Ollie questioned 

Suddenly his phone began to ring, it was Jac

"What do you want Jac I'm kinda busy right now.?"

"I know you are, your with Zosia in the non moving lift." Jac replied 

"Okay why?"

Jac replied "you both have things to say and your not coming back up until you have."

"What if people need to use the lift?" Ollie asked 

"I put an out of order sign there they will have to find another way... Bye"

Jac ended the call

Zosia looked at him until ollie finally spoke 

"We been trapped in a lift by jac Naylor."

They both sat for what felt like hours, in silence. Ollie looked at his watch. They had been in the lift for 7 minutes.

Ollie had had enough already but was not sure how Zosia would react to the things he was supposed to say and with them being in a lift she would have no where to run she would be stuck in there with him.

Having seen Ollie had a watch Zosia suddenly spoke almost making Ollie jump, "I left my phone in my locker, how long have we been in here?"

"7 minutes." Ollie replied

"Longest 7 minutes of my life... Why are we even in here?" Zosia didn't expect an answer to this so she was slightly shocked when Ollie said,

"Because Jac thinks she knows everything, and how to fix everything."

"When what is she trying to fix?"

Ollie knew the answer to this, Jac was trying to make him admit he was in love with Zosia but he obviously wasn't about to give that as his answer.

But what he didn't know was Zosia knew the answer as well, after her conversation with Jac earlier she figured this was Jac playing match maker. She looked at Ollie, he still hadn't answered her question but by the look on his face he had some kind of answer so Zosia thought she should get it

 "okay by the look on your face I can tell you know something so you might as well just tell me Ollie."

"Ring her and ask her your self." Was Ollies answer 

Zollie: Tell herOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora