Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

            We made it back to my house without incident, but that didn’t stop me from looking behind me every two seconds. Thorne was following behind me while Rachel and Shiloh took the lead. Every time I turned around Thorne would yip at me that all was well. Man he was one of the biggest wolves I’ve ever seen. I felt sorry for any sucker that messed with him.

            After I grabbed some snacks from the kitchen, Thorne and I went up to my room. Rachel was stuck doing chores for Mum as it was her day so we had the room to ourselves. Thorne stretched out on my bed with his hands behind his head. I was relieved we hadn’t run into Ian on the way into the house because I had no idea how he would react to Thorne coming home with me.

            “You know it’s been a long time since you have had me over Ella,” Thorne stated.

            “I know and I’m sorry, it’s just things have been hard since last year when Ian came home to tell us Wyatt had died,” I said.

            Thorne looked like he had just been slapped. “Oops, sorry I forgot about that.”

            “It’s okay, just things have been a little different around here since,” I said going to my closet to find something to wear to the movies later.

            “So how was your first day?” Thorne asked, changing the subject.

            “It was okay. I have Mr. Jacobs for math though.”

            “Oh you poor thing,” Thorne said, grimacing.

            “I know. It is my absolute worst subject and then I have to get the worst teacher in the whole school. I will probably fail.”

 I groaned and pulled out some black tights and a grey sweater dress. The nights had started to become cooler now that September was just around the corner. Also I tended to freeze when I went to the movies, either the air conditioning was too high in the summer or there was little or no heat in the winter.

I went into the bathroom to change, leaving Thorne in my room. When I came out of the bathroom Ian was waiting just outside the door, leaning against the wall.

“Got some company in your room?” he said, his face was blank but I knew he was hiding what he was feeling.

“Yeah, Thorne offered to escort me home to make sure everything was okay. Especially after that man showed up at school,” I said casually.

“What man?” Ian asked, worry now clearly displayed on his face.

Oh boy me and my big mouth. Now I was going to have a babysitter 24/7. I’d be lucky if I was still allowed to go to the movies tonight.

“Um just some man, he stood on the edge of the woods before school this morning. He disappeared before I seen him. Trinity Rogers was the one who noticed him,” I said hoping Ian wouldn’t think it was nothing major.

“Ella, I don’t think it is wise that you go out tonight,” he said.

There it is. I knew he was going to say that.

“Ian, I’m not going to live my life in fear. Besides I’m going to be with a member of the pack.” I tried to walk back to my room but Ian stepped in front of me.

“Ella, this is serious. Until we catch him I don’t think you should be going out. It would be better if you stayed home.”

“I’m going Ian. Look you can drive me if it makes you feel any better. I’m sure Rachel would love to be off the hook,” I said, hoping if he at least got to see me safely to the theatre he would lay off a little.

Ian sighed. “This is going against my better judgment, but alright and when you are ready to come home you will call me and I will pick you up,” he said, looking into my eyes.

“Okay I’ll come and get you when I’m ready. Oh and Thorne is staying for supper so do you think you could be nice?” I gave him my best puppy dog eyes.

Ian just growled and stalked down the hall. Man I hope that was a yes.

I made it back to my room and Thorne looked me up and down and let out a loud whistle.

“You look hot Ella, sure I can’t convince you to let me take you to the movies instead,” he said waggling his eyebrows at me.

I picked up one of Rachel’s pillows and threw it at him.

“Thorne, even though you are a big stud,” I said, giggling. I couldn’t help it. “You are like one of my best friends and that’s how I want to keep it.”

“I know Ella, you’re just so hard to resist when you beg,” he said laughing.

“I would never have to beg you,” I retorted.

“No you wouldn’t,” Thorne said, turning serious.

Man hit a touchy subject and I was determined to change it fast.

“Okay let’s go downstairs and see if supper is ready,’ I said heading for the door.

Supper was almost ready and the kitchen smelled good. Thorne sniffed the air, groaning with hunger.

“You gonna make it there big boy?” Rachel asked, winking at me as she set the table.

“I don’t know. The smell alone is going to kill me,” Thorne said, rubbing his stomach. “I’m a growing wolf you know?”

“I don’t know how you could possibly get any bigger,” I said looking up at him.

“Oh you’d be surprised.” Thorne chuckled.

Soon we were sitting down to supper and Ian had just joined the rest of us at the last possible minute. Mum asked Thorne some questions about his family. She was friends with Thorne’s mother, Grace. Ian kept glancing between Thorne and I for the whole time and I gave him a look to say knock it off.

After supper was finished Thorne had to leave because he claimed his English teacher had given him homework.

“Homework on the first day?” Shiloh asked stunned.

“Yeah, I know it sucks. Mrs. Jenkins believes in getting started on learning right away is the best way to begin the school year,” he said in a high pitch voice, trying to imitate his teacher.

We all laughed and I gave him a hug at the door and thanked him for getting me home safely.

After I helped clean up the kitchen I went upstairs to finish getting ready. Somehow Ian had managed to disappear after supper and I figured I wouldn’t see him again till it was time to leave. I touched up my make-up and examined myself in the mirror. Was I really getting dressed up for the movies or was I trying to perhaps make Ian jealous? The latter was closer to the truth than I wanted to admit. Ever since last night when Ian told me his feelings I tried to convince myself that I wasn’t sure what I wanted, when in reality everything I did lately made me think of how Ian would react.

Looking at my cell phone I realized it was time to leave so I went down the hall to Ian’s room and knocked.

“Come in.”

“Hey,” I said stepping in his room. “I’m ready.”

He looked at me with hunger in his eyes and it made me gulp.

“I see that.” His eyes raked up and down my body.

I could feel heat seeping up to my face from my neck and silently cursed. Ian got up from the chair he was sitting on, apparently reading a book. I didn’t know he liked to read. Coming across the room to where I stood he stopped in front of me. I stood there waiting to see what he would do but instead of doing anything he just turned and walked past me. I was dumbstruck.

“You coming?” he called to me and I turned to see him grab his black leather jacket off the back of his door. I loved how he looked in that coat. I groaned and followed him down to the car.

For just a second I wished that Ian and I were going to see the movie together instead, but sighed as reality sunk in.

 Okay I know this chapter was a little slow but it is leading up to the next chapter and I promise it is going to be steamy! lol Comments and votes if you pls! :)

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