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Like most 16 years old girls, Phoebe Weiss wanted to make some money, and decided to do so through babysitting. Fortunately for her, Blake Schwarz, one of the wealthiest people in the city, hired her. Blake was a business Tycoon, who managed to become a multimillionaire. Working for him was a very sought after position, and Phoebe knew she was lucky to have it. Phoebe was very excited for her first day. Not only would she be able to make some extra money, but she would also get to meet Blake and see his mansion. His mansion was huge, but ever since Blake's wife was murdered two years ago, Blake and his now five-year-old son, Colby, have been the only two people that lived there. Phoebe did not know what to expect, but she was very surprised when Blake greeted her himself.

"Nice to meet you Phoebe." Blake said.

"I can't believe it is actually you." Phoebe said, still shocked that Blake greeted her.

Blake laughed, and said, "Colby is in the other room watching TV, make sure he goes to sleep by 9:30, and I will be back at one. Have fun. Bye Colby." Blake left the house, and Phoebe was still in shock that this was actually happening. She went into the living room, and found Colby watching TV. A lot of Phoebe's friends did babysitting, and they always talked about how difficult the kids were, but much to Phoebe's surprise, Colby was not like that. Colby was very cooperative and friendly, and was happy to see Phoebe there. Despite knowing that he had to go to bed soon, Colby had tons of things to do with Phoebe. He drew with her, had her read stories to him, play board games with him, and much more.

By the time it was 9:30, Phoebe told him he had to go to bed, and much to her surprise, Colby was fine with going to bed, and cooperated with her. After Phoebe took Colby to bed, she still had around three and a half hours until Blake came home. She had no idea what to do with her time, so she decided to watch TV. After around 15 minutes, the thought occurred to her that she is in one of most expensive houses in the city, and she should look around instead.

She knew the house was big, but she did not know how big, until she started looking around. She could not understand how only two people could live here, considering they had three kitchens. As she kept walking around, she came across one of Blake's personal studies. She wanted to go inside, but knew that she would be invading his personal space. She tried to keep walking, but let the temptation get the better of her. The study was full of papers and Blake's personal documents, and she wanted to read them all. Most of them were boring papers, and she was about to leave, until she found a journal. She knew she shouldn't read it, but once again, she fell into the temptation and opened it. Just like she thought it was a journal, but she was surprised that it was Blake's journal. She also noticed that all of the entries were from two years ago, when his wife was murdered.

Phoebe figured that he went through so much that year, that he needed a journal. She could only imagine what he wrote for March 5th, the day his wife was murdered, but when she read it, she was surprised and confused. The murder case was unsolved, but in the entry, it said exactly who killed her. The journal said that Blake was the one who killed his wife!

"What!?" Phoebe accidently shouted, dropping the journal.

"Miss Phoebe!" Colby shouted, obviously having woken up to the scream.

"Coming." Phoebe said, rushing to get to Colby, so she could get him back to sleep before his dad came home. Phoebe had to read Colby a story, to make sure that he would not tell his dad about this. Luckily, Phoebe was able to get Colby to sleep and sneak back downstairs, before Blake came home. Blake came in and made sure everything was all right, before giving Phoebe $750 and asking her to come back next week. She was going to say no, but she was tempted by the money, and agreed.

Throughout the week, Phoebe really wanted to tell someone, but she knew no one would believe her, and that she should not know this in the first place. She came back on Friday, and once again was greeted by Blake.

"Colby is at his grandmother's house, but if you could still watch the house for me, that would be wonderful." Blake said.

"Okay." Phoebe said nervously.

Before he left the house, he turned back to Phoebe, and said: "By the way, she was after my money and my son. You left the journal on the floor." Blake said, and suddenly he pulled out a gun. "Didn't anyone ever teach to not mess around with other people's stuff?" he asked, and then pulled the trigger, killing Phoebe. He then placed a fake, premade suicide note by her and left.

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