Top Secret (Larry AU)

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Maybe it's not about the happy ending. Maybe it's about the story.

13 years old

"Mommy? Why was dad shouting at Edward?" Harry asks his mother, confused. His mother gives him a hard look, which makes him wince and let go of her arm, which he was tugging on to get her attention.

"Well, Harry. It's because Edward did something wrong. He was defending someone who doesn't deserve it. He was defending someone who he shouldn't talk to, someone he shouldn't even be friends with." Anne explains feeling the hate burning inside her,just thinking about what could happen to her oldest son if he were to see the guy again.

But Harry still didn't understand, he didn't what was wrong with Ryder, he was pretty nice, friendly, charming and handsome. But Harry knew that he needed to keep that thought to himself, his parents will eat him alive if they find out that he sometimes thinks about guys that way.

That guy is a disgrace, a sin to mankind. Those type of people shouldn't exist.

"Why? He's a nice guy? Is it cause he's gay?" Harry asks innocently, even though he knows the answer.

Anne flinches and glares at her son, "Don't ever say that word again! And no son of mine will ever talk to such a thing! " he shreeches and stamps up the stairs, looking for her husband, most likely to rant about those 'sins'.

Harry sighs and shakes his head. He's used to his parents behaving this way. They are good people and all, but when it comes to gays and stuff, they are the most homophobic people ever.

But then again, he's used to it.

14 years old

"Harold, wake up. We have to go to school before we miss our bus." Harry's sister, Gemma says annoyed looking at her nails while waiting for her little brother to wake up.

Harry groans and sits up, throwing a pillow at his sister, smirking when hearing her scream. Sighing, he shoos her away and gets ready for school.

It's a new school year so that means he's going to the 3th grade (A/N: i don't know much about this. I only write what i know.) He hopes that his friend, Niall is still in his class or otherwise he'll be alone. He hates being alone, it makes him feel weak, unwanted.

On the bus, Gemma keeps talking about this boy that she likes and he's probably going to be in most of her classes. When they are at school, Harry runs off without saying goodbye, cause he only has 2 more minutes 'till class begins and he has to get to the classroom quickly.

After he found out he has biology and finding the room, he knocks on the door, opening it and blushing when his teacher tsked.

"Already late, Mr. Styles? That's not good." Harry blushes when the class chuckles and looks around in the hope to find Niall but not finding him.

"Sorry, sir." Harry mutters whzn the teacher looks at him expectantly. The teacher nods and motions to a seat next to guy.

"Go sit nzxt to mr Tomlinson." He says and Louis looks up from his work and wow, that was a mistake. He's the most beautiful gy he's ever laid eyes on. He has feathery brown hair that's styles in a cute fringe and has stunning blue eyes.

Calm down, Harry. You know it's bad to think like that. Boys can not think like that about other boys.

Harry shakes his head and walks to seat, packing everything out, but feeling eyes on his back. He turns around and comes face to face with that Tomlinson kid.

Before he can say anything, the boy beats him to it. "You know, you have really cool hair." He says casually, smiling at the curly haired boy.

"Uhm... thanks? I guess... you have nice eyes?" Harry says unsure, but feels himself smile when Louis laughs.

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