Chapter 10: 'You did try to seduce me by giving me a lap dance'

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{Chapter 10}

|Annabelle |

Have you guys ever been in a situation that you now way in heck know how you ended up being in it? First, it was extremely terrifying because I had no clue where I was. Second, a hand was draped around my waist. Third, I wasn't even the slightest bothered and that alone made me terrified. And fourth, my dumb head hurt really badly.

I'm not saying like got-hit-with-a-basketball kind of hurt, no. I'm talking about got-hit-with-a-hammer-various-times kind of hurt. In shorter words, the headache was throbbing painfully. What the heck happened last night? All I remember was Trent leaving to go stop a fight that happened between Jeremiah and some other guy. Up until there, everything was blank.

"Good morning, Annabelle," Alli shouted, barging in threw the doors. I groaned in pain from her outcry. My god, why does my head hurt so bad? She power walked over to the curtains and gracefully slid them open. Rays of the sun shined through the windows, flashing over to my face. I pulled the covers back over me as I groaned in frustration.

Wait, what is Alli doing here? O my god, thank god. I thought I was in some stranger's house. That decreased my fear in being here without knowing a thing that went on last night.

"Wake up you little Drunkie," Alli cheerfully said. I tried getting up but a hand pulled me back. I turned my head the slightest bit to find Cody in a slumber. My eyes widen in shock. Why am I in the arms of my next door neighbor? You know the one that I said I would stay away from but epically failed? Yeah, that one. I looked down and I saw that I wasn't wearing my clothes from last night. Instead I wore some black sweatpants and an oversized shirt.

What happened last night? Trust me, a lot of possibilities about what could have happened ran through my head and they weren't the good kind. If it wasn't for my aching head, I would have yelled.

"Annabelle, get your butt out of bed," Alli said.

"Alli, stop yelling!" I grumbled under my breath. I felt him stir from beside me and soon enough Cody had opened his eyes and quickly took his arms off of me. Seconds later, he smirked.

"I HOPE YOU HAD AN AWESOME SLEEP!" He shouted loudly, making my head throb ten times worse.

"Stop hollering," I whimpered, pulling the covers over me once again. "Why do I feel like I hit my head on a rock?" I muttered.

"That's what you get for drinking under the influence," Cody firmly replied.

A little part had come back to me. I remember when Trent had left; a girl came in front of me. We started talking, she handed me a drink and the next thing I knew I was drinking it. Three cups of that freaking liquid went inside of me.

I can't believe I drank. I can't believe I accepted it. I can't believe it. I swear, I can't believe it. Me, who usually goes against drinking, go ahead and give in. What the heck is wrong with me?

I felt a tight grip on my wrist. I looked up to find Cody frowning at me disappointed. I felt guilty for what I did. He pulled me out of the bed and started dragging me inside the restroom. The whole floor was spinning around me and I surprised myself that I didn't fall.

"What do you think you're doing?" I growled, pulling my hand away from his. He stood in front of me making it hard to get past him. "Do you normally pull girls inside a restroom?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Calm down, Princess. The cold water will get rid of your hangover," he stated matter-of-factly. Without even letting me take off my clothes, he turned the faucet on.

The wetness of the water prickled on my skin. That water was freaking cold. I shivered and was about to protest but I felt the pain slowly leaving. Cody didn't bother leaving the restroom; he closed the door behind him and took a seat on the tiled floor.

I Knew You Were Trouble, Cody SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now