Chapter Two

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I'm soo stupid!!!

Stupid Curiosity!

Stupid Crush!

Stupid Taylor and her beautiful eyes!!

If it wasn't for her amusing eyes I woudn't be in this freaking mess-hole!

Pshh Its all your fault Derek..You just have to stalk her didn't you..?

I growled mentally at my inner voice that was suppose to be on my side!

Hey!! Who said I'm on your side? I'm on my own side the awesomer side than yours!

Oh great, now i'm arguing with my inner voice.

Such a smart ass Derek.

My attention slipped back to the mob of people in the room when 2 thumps on the ground filled the air. Some of the men attempted to take a step towards Taylor when the Mob Master looking guy raised in his hand a .... stop sign....

I stared at him and the 10 bulky figures as they all stopped  and stood still like statues.

Wonder if i could pee on them like everyone does to those naked statues?

Blame who ever gave me these brains to actually think like this at a time like this!

But I'm pretty damn sure, they can all beat me to death like i kicked Alex's ass on Mortal Combat like fucking K.O.!!!!

"No need to be rough to your own TJ." one guy smirked. Whipping my head towards Taylor, she mirrored that smirk and gave a laugh, "Says you, babe." She winked, probably having effects of being drunk.

Where's this confidence coming from though?! She's supposed to be a damn nerd for God's sake! What God intended for her to be! Come to think of it, am i thinking too much? Isn't this supposed to be a girl thing? What if i'm turning gay?! Nah that can't happen to a sexy thing like me.

The guy laughed as well, come to think of it, he didn't look that old. Only maybe a few years older than me.

"Stop flirting you two! TJ is MINE! Go away Crissy! I'm hurt you with my awesome Pissy & Netty!" another one, neither much older than me as well, ran towards Taylor and cuddled her before pulling out a gun with a knife attached to it.

Wtf! Why the fuck does this guy have a gun and knife?! He he going to use it on me? What the fuck is wrong with these people?!

They're the Mafia! DUH!

Okay i know they're not the mafia but c'mon, they need a nickname.

I stared straight at the pistol bayonet as the guy laughed, "Beautiful ain't it? I just got her. Beautiful and shiny." He chuckled licking the bayonet.

I saw Taylor scrunch up her face before pushing the guy away.

"Cristian and I?" Taylor laughed crossing her arms, "Didn't think you have no faith in me Isaiah." Ignoring the comment Isaiah made and souding much more sober this time.

"And what happened here? Who are you guys?" she questioned, trying to look dumbfounded.

The old man looked amused for a second, "Honey, you can never look innocent." He gave a cold, harsh laugh when Taylor scowled.

The 40 year old man clapped his hands together when his laughing died down as Isaiah and Christian quickly retreated back to their positions.

"No more fooling around. TJ, take care of him, we'll come back for you next time." He spoke in monotone, nodded towards me before swiftly turning his back towards us and walked off, with the other bulky, walking, statues following as i sat there, confused on relationships and what the hell's going on.

After all the doors slamming had been shut, Taylor stalked towards me with a gun raised towards me, with an emotional expression, plastered on to her face.

Now I started to have a panic attack. It wasn't so much scary earlier considering they were making jokes and at least had some laughs, but now I'm alone, and no one would know what happened to me in this warehouse, considering Taylor's the only one in the room with me and the one with the gun.

My mind started to wonder off again, thinking what was the old man talking about? Why is Taylor not scared? Is she really going to kill me?

I stared up at her, confused with what's going on and in to her beautiful eyes that stared straight in to mine, cold and heartless.

I shut my eyes ready for death to welcome me. Stupid for being nosey.


... Then i remembered i'm a fucking guy that's going to be killed by a girl? Strange but HELL TO THE NAW!

I quickly re-opened my eyes and shot up, catching Taylor by surprise and knocking her down.

Grabbing her wrists, I pinned them to the floor, but before I could get the grip tight, she head butted me as I groaned and cursed. "Fuck! What a hard head."

She snorted and got up, rolling us over and kneed my stomach. Groaning in pain again, I quickly slipped under her and twisted my leg over hers, causing her to trip but quickly regain balance.

Damn, this girl is good! Still can't see how she's the Taylor from school.

Stupid for being so NOSEY!

One quick twist, I saw Taylor, pressing the tip of the gun straight at my chest, where my heart was thumping like drums.

She wouldn't would she?

I shut my eyes once again. Oh god she is. She doesn't give a fuck about me! I wasn't even nice to her in school anyway. Fuck me.

The shot of the gun, echoed in the room as i slumped against the floor. Breathing heavily, only hearing my breaths and the deep thump of my heart.

Am i dying yet?

Last thought before everything dissapeared.


SHORT but Vern's got the rest xD

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2011 ⏰

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