Something's Up (Part 1)

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Thanksgiving went well. Mari met the rest of my family and everything was great. Christian even came by. Cam had pulled me aside to let me know that he was coming with a girl cause he thought I was gonna feel some type of way so he called himself "warning" me. Although Christian and I had a past I honestly didn't care if he was dating someone. Although I got a bad vibe from her and I'm not a fan of the chick, I didn't care cause that's his life. I just know to keep my distance from her cause I can tell she's gonna be trouble. But all that shit was like 3 months ago.

I am currently in the food court at the mall taking a break from shopping. I was looking around when I noticed Mari with a group of dudes. I was a little confused because he told me he was helping his mother. His lying ass. He's really starting to piss me off with this shit. First he's been acting real distant and weird and now he's lying about where he's at and who he's with. So I decided to text him.

Me: Hey, what are you doing?

Mari: Hey babe. Still wit my mother. Y wassup?

I cut my eyes at the phone and contemplated my next move. For a few minutes I watched him and the dudes he was with. What caught my eye was the tattoos on three of the dudes necks. It was an upside down crown with five points. What the fuck was Mari doing with them?

Me: Nothing. Just bored 😔 but nvm have fun wit ur mother. Tell her I said hi

Mari: Aight baby girl. I'll hit u up when I'm done. 😘

Me: Kk😘

I looked over at them again and shook my head. I grabbed my bags and left. Once in my car I called my father.

"Hey Baby Girl"

"I'll be there in 20 minutes. Call a meeting."

"Are you ok?" he asked sounding concern making me smile a little.

"Yeah. I'll be there in a few" I hung up not waiting for a response.

On the drive home I couldn't stop thinking of why Mari was with dudes from Five Points. Was in some kind of trouble? he didn't look like it. They looked like they were the bestest of friends. 😑 Was he down with them? A million and one things were running through my mind.

I pulled up in the driveway, threw my car in park, grabbed my keys and bags and hoped out my truck. I dropped my bags at the stairs and headed straight for my father's office.

Inside he was already seated at the table with my brothers, Cruz, Armani and two of his other guys having a full blown conversation.

I sat down at the end of the table while they stared at me.

"So why'd you call a meeting? What's going on?" my father asked leaning back in his chair.

"Lately Mari and I haven't been on the best of terms. He's been acting weird and distant. He told me that he was helping his mother today. But I just came from the mall where I saw him with dudes from Five Points. And they seemed pretty acquainted with each other."

I waited for a reaction out of them but they were just staring at me. Then Cam looked at my father then back at me.

"Why don't y'all seemed surprise?"

"Cause we know"

I sat there silent for a few seconds, processing the fact that my father just told me that they all knew that Mari was down with Five Points.

I chuckled, "You knew" I said more to myself than them.

"How long have y'all known?"

"The whole time" Cam spoke up.

"And no one told me?"

It was silent as everyone just continued to stare at me.

"NOBODY THOUGHT TO TELL ME THAT THE NIGGA I'M FUCKING IS A FUCKING OPP! AND THAT THIS WHOLE TIME HE'S BEEN PLAYING ME!!" I yelled as I slammed my hand on the table. I was so heated I was crying.

"Look we thought that it was for the best not to tell you so that it all seemed real to him" my father spoke after a moment of silence.


"I'M YOUR SISTER!" I pointed to Mac and Cam.

"I'M YOUR BEST FRIEND!" I pointed to Cruz.


Again they were silent.

"Man this is some bullshit! I'm out" I said standing up and walking out

"Nana wa-"

"Let her go" my father said cutting Cam off.

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