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Okay so this part is done just so that I don't get people asking what the relationships are and who's dating who ok?

Well let's begin, shall we?

Let's start with the main peoples. Eren and Mikasa claim that they have nothing going on but we all know otherwise.

Armin is a horse fucker which leads me to Jean. He is still upset over some kid called Marco (don't know who that is) so to make him feel better he has an Armin.

Sasha and Connie do some weird stuff in the dorms while we are training and I believe it involves food. Lots of food.

Christa and Ymir as you may already know are together and it is so sweet. It makes us sick how sweet it is. I mean you could lose a tooth with how sweet it is.

Bertholdt and Reiner well there is nothing going on between these two but Reiner is trying to convince Bertholdt that he loves Annie who they think is being tortured but is really stuck inside a crystal but don't tell them that.

Moving on to the leaders

We have Erwin. He claims that he will never get married because he's afraid of them losing him but I think it's because his relationship will get in the way of his eyebrows and he doesn't want to anger them. No one wants to anger the eyebrows.

Mike is again not in a relationship but he is quite happy to just smell what a relationship. Also we can't find a girl weird enough for him. Erwin's eyebrows told me that.

Now you may be asking where Levi and I sit.
I'm not going to tell you.
Just kidding!
Or am I?
Yeah I'm gonna tell you.
Levi loves his shitty-glasses.
Yes but he prefers them to be clean. I don't want them to be clean. Can I have my glasses. I can't see. Levi give them here. Thank you.
So yeah our relationship is real. No Eren does not get the heichou. I get the heichou. Get your own human play thing, Eren.

So in short Levis my bitch. Any questions?


Hanji out!

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