6 | Online Dating

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"I hate her! I'm never going to date girls from now on!"

Xiao looked up from his laptop. In front of him, the front door closed as soon as it opened and in came in his best friend/crush, Wooshin. He took of his shoes (or rather, threw them to the corner) and started pacing in front of Xiao. He paused the song 'Rock Ur Body' in his laptop and took his earphones off, ready for another rant session about his friend's girlfriend.

"She is THE MOST bitchiest little shit I've ever met! Remember that time when we went shopping together?" Wooshin asked with his hands on his hips. Xiao placed his chin between his thumb and index finger and pretended to think hard.

"Hm, I don't remember being there but I remember you telling me about it with a tub of ice cream in your hands." Xiao started giggling playfully. Wooshin's face went from already red to the colour of his hair, which is pretty red. "You sad little child..."

"Shut up, Xiao! Ugh fine I'm not talking to you anymore! I'm going to search up someone else on Tinder."


Xiao's eyes shot up to face Wooshin's direction at the word. 'He has it too?' He thought with furrowed eyebrows as he glanced at his already logged in Tinder account. He looked closely at his profile picture, which was a girl with blonde hair and a body every girl would die for. Of course, Xiao was gay. So the only way he could find guys was to fake as someone from the opposite gender. Wooshin had reached the hallway to his bedroom before Xiao had an excellent idea.

"Pfft. You have Tinder? I bet your username is 'desper8forhoes'." Xiao shouted out, a grin plastered on his mischievous face. He narrowed his eyes and bit his lip at Wooshin's back as he waited for his answer. Wooshin turned on his spot like a supermodel and gave him a piercing glare.

"For your information, my username is actually 'Woohoo'." He said with a sassy tone. He looked at his perfectly manicured nails proudly for a while before turning back and heading to his bedroom.

Xiao waited for a while, his eyebrows raised questioningly. He thought Wooshin was just joking around with him when he said the name. After hearing no teasing catcalls from Wooshin, he decided to believe in it. "Woohoo..." Xiao said quietly under his breath. What kind of name was 'Woohoo'? Is he shipping himself with someone else? Whoever it is, bitch gone die today.

I grabbed my laptop and searched up 'Woohoo' and...he wasn't lying. Because in front of his eyes, was a user with the said name and a picture of abs in the place of his profile picture. Xiao's hand flew to his mouth as tried to muffle his loud bursts of laughter.

That asshole doesn't even have abs! Who the hell does he think he is?

More muffles giggles and howls followed as Xiao read through his self-bio. It read;

Kim Wooseok - 25years
Distance: A few metres away...
Active: Logged On

I'm the kind of man all you girls out there will die for. I've got the abs, the handsome face, the voice to melt your heart, and the abs. You know what I like in a girl? [What?] My dick. HAHA gotcha! I live in a mansion and stuff so yeah. Don't wait for me, come mate with me! XOXO

By the time Xiao finished reading this, he was struggling to decide whether or not he should head to the toilet as soon as possible or to just sit there and take it all in. Looking at Wooshin's bio, he decided that it was the most biggest lie he has ever made in his whole life (except for the Wooseok part, that's his real name but he likes the name Wooshin better).

So it turns out Xiao wasn't the only one lying about himself on Tinder. His best friend has lied just as much. The only thing Xiao lied about was his gender, so technically Wooshin is the bigger liar here. But whatever, at least he has found him.

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