Chapter 1 : The Awakening

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That morning sickness, it rumbles and makes your belly gurgle. It's painful even sometimes, but you go on your day an do what you do. Whether it be start with a shower, brushing your teeth, eating breakfast. That either being a multiple choice question on a test. Breakfast could really be anything, as long as you're eating in the morning. I think that's so silly, but whatever, leftover pizza for breakfast will do.

"I'm not hungry though,"

I padded my way out of my carpeted room and found the bathroom door right next to my door, it's fortunate how close the washroom is, if given any reason or situation as well. I began to run the water from the bathtub spigot, I hate how it starts off cold, it's always my guilty mistake to stick my hand in to check on it an it remained cold for several seconds until the hot water chokes out.

Pulling my hand away from the cold strike, I make sure I had everything I needed, so far it was all in check. I grab two towels from the cabinet and place them on the sink counter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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