5. Pillow Fight

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“Ollyyy.” I heard someone whisper “Ollyyy…wake up sleepyhead!” I then felt lips against my temple.

“Mmm, no it’s too early.” I whispered.

“Actually it’s 10am” Hannah replied, kissing me on my cheek.

“Like I said, it’s too early.” I said rolling over wrapping my arms around her. She lay on my chest with her hand against my heart (a/n, see what I did there).

“You’re such a funny sleeper Olly.” I heard her say

“Really? And why is that?” I asked, sitting up slightly.

“You sleep with your mouth open…catching flies.” She giggled when she said that last bit.

“Oh yeah, oops, at least I don’t dribble or snore.” I said embarrassed

“Well no you don’t dribble…but you do snore…a lot!” she giggled again as she sat up with her chin resting on my collarbone.

“I do not snore!” I protested.

“You do!” she replied




“MR OLIVER MURS, YOU ARE THE WORLDS WORST SNORER!” Hannah laughed whilst she grabbed a pillow and…

* whack *

She hit me right round the head.

“Oh that’s it!” I said as I clambered out of bed and grabbed my pillow.

“Bring it!” she replied. I circled the room, and as she bent down to grab a cushion off the sofa I jumped up behind her.

“Rawrrrrr!” I growled, and hit her with the pillow; she turned round and got me back. With two pillows. Much harder. “Ouchie.” I said trying to pull my best puppy dog face.

“Well that wont work on me.” she said and hit me again,

“Dammit!” I protested, and grabbed a pillow, I hit her and then…it exploded.

“Ahhhhh! Olly!” she screamed cutely

“Oops!” I laughed, feathers were flying around us…but this made it even more fun. She hit me and another pillow exploded!

“Seriously Olly, what is wrong with your pillows?” she laughed

“I don’t know.” I laughed back, we were now both in fits of laughter.

“I-I’m cr-crying here…I literally c-can-can’t breath!!” she laughed.

“M-me too!” I replied, wiping my eyes.

“I st-still can’t b-believe two exploded!” Hannah said as she began to stop laughing.

“That’s your fault missy!” I flirted

“My fault, what did I do?” she pointed to herself innocently.

“You started it, if it wasn’t for you I would still have two pillows perfectly intact!” I told her.

“Well you retaliated!” she said.

“Only because you hit me first!” I complained.

“Are you insinuating that I’m a bad influence on you murs?” she asked cutely

“Maybe I am.” I winked pulling her towards me. “And maybe I’m not…that’s just for you to decide.” I said before I hit her again and ran downstairs.

“OLLY YOUR PHONES RINGING!” Hannah shouted from upstairs

“WHO IS IT?” I asked getting up from the sofa

“UM…SARAH, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY?” she shouted back down.

“Hang on.” I said racing up the stairs.

“Here.” Hannah handed me the phone.

“Hello Sarah.” I said

“Hello Olly, just ringing to remind you of the meeting at 3 today.” Sarah said. I looked at my watch 2:12pm. ‘Crap’ I thought.

“Yeah, of course I haven’t forgotten, I was just getting ready to leave.” I lied. Hannah looked at me weirdly. ‘The meeting’ I mouthed at her, she nodded.

“Okay, well I’ll see you there, bye Olly.” Sarah said and hung up. I put the phone back in my pocket.

“What time is the meeting?” Hannah asked me.

“3, but It’ll take me about 30-40 minutes to get there, so I guess I’ll need to leave now, do you want me to drop you off on the way?” I asked.

“Okay, um, yeah if you don’t mind, thank you.” She replied.

“No of course I don’t mind. Well, get your stuff together and we’ll leave in ten.” I smiled and went downstairs.

Five minutes later, Hannah came down the stairs, she was wearing one of fays maxi dresses and white sandals, and she had her hair in a messy bun. I always had some of Faye’s stuff here in case she forgot something when she stayed over, and admittedly, other girls stuff that they’d left * queue mental facepalm *.

“Wow, you look gorgeous.” I complimented.

“Aww, thank you, but I really don’t, my hair’s a mess and I have no make up on!” she replied

“Whatever, have you got your stuff from the other night?” I asked

“Yeah it’s all in here.” She said holding up a bag. I smiled and we went to the car. Ten minutes later we arrived at her Auntie’s house. “I told you it wasn’t that far, look that’s where the bus would have dropped me off last night.” she pointed to the bus stop opposite the house.

“Well, I wanted to drop you off myself, and I didn’t want you going home on your own.” I smiled

“I can look after myself Olly, I’m a big girl now.” She replied sticking her tongue out.

“Well you’re still shorter than me.” I winked. She gasped but smiled.

“Anyways I’ll see you soon Olly.” she smiled.

“See you soon.” I smiled and kissed her softly on the lips. And she got out the car. “Hannah?” I shouted through the window.

“Yeah?” she replied. I got out the car and walked up to the door to meet her.

“What are you doing tomorrow evening?” I asked.

“Um, nothing I don’t think why?” she replied. Okay now my legs had suddenly gone to jelly…what was happening? Come on pull yourself together Olly!

“Um…do you want to go…out for um…dinner or something?” I asked

“Yeah I’d love to.” She smiled sweetly, showing her dimple on her left cheek.

“Great, I’ll text you about it later, anyways I must be off got to get to the meeting. Bye Hannah.” I said to her.

“Bye Olly.” she smiled, I leaned down and gently gave her a kiss, our lips moving in sync, and I pulled away and leaned my forehead against hers.

“See you tomorrow gorgeous.” I kissed her forehead walked away and drove off, really looking forward to tomorrow.

Yay!! sorry for the short chapter, it's just a filler, as I won't be writing much until next week probably as I have a busy four days!! thanks for getting it to 400 reads, and the support i've had from certain people on twitter (you know who you are) has been INCREDIBLE!! Thank you once again!! and check out my other one too (yes ik it has 1d in it, but hey) 



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