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"Daddy? Why don't you love me? Why do you ignore me like I don't exist? What did I do wrong?"
"Nothing Naya. It's..."
"No! It's not nothing! Do you hate me?Please daddy tell me. Tell me what did I do wrong so I can fix it."
"Naya... We don't hate you", he tried reasoning with her. But after all how could he explain a six year old child why do her parents awoid her. If only...
"Yes! Yes you do! I know that, because mummy aways says I am a burden, that I only bring shame upon her. She says that accepting me was the biggest and only mistake she will ever regret.
And you... you just stand there and watch me cry, but you do nothing to stop the tears from falling. The tears she caused!!"

What now? What can he say now?
The sarow in her words left him stunned. The meaning of them was attacking his hart like a blizzard of daggers. He always knew that she was extraordinary. The way she talked and looked at things was remarkable. She was always beyond her age. So special...
But maybe, that's only him.
Maybe he's  the only one who thinks that.
To them she was  a 'threat ', or so they  say.

But maybe, they are the crazy ones.
Maybe they are the ones making the mistake.

Then again, is he  the  one making the mistake?
Is it his fault that she is like this?
He will newer know.

If it was up to him he would be kneling in front of her begging for forgiveness.
But he couldn't.
It must be this way.
It must be as they say. It must be as they wish. There is no other way.

'How?' He asked himself.
How could  a human being  be as soulless as him ,right now?
Will she ever forgive him?
Will  he be able to forgive himself?

He will never know.

"Enough Naya! Enough! We are finished talking about this. I am going to go now and you are going to think about this and your actions..."
"No daddy! Please don't go. I beg you.
I promise I'll be a good girl, just please don't leave me! Don't leave me alone. Whene you go the darkness comes and watches me. Please daddy save me, I don't want to be alone. Please don't leave me with the darkness..."
"For God's sake Naya! Enough with these nonsense. I don't want you to talk about this ever again. What got into that head of yours? Do you understand me!?"
"I said understood Naya?"
" Yes, father."

He was disgusted with himself .
He despised the feeling that came every time when he ignored her prayers and pleads.
He hated the way her eyes were seeking for his sole, trying to find the human in him.
He had to look away or else he would give up under her stare.
He couldn't get attached.
This is the way how it's supposed to be and he couldn't do anything about it.

When he left... the light left with him. Carrying all the safety and hope with him. Leaving an empty space that the darkness shall fill.

If she only knew that this is the last time that she will feel see his gulty eyes.

She was left alone watching the darknes coming inside, dancing a graceful waltz of sarow.
Surrounding her tinny body and making all of the calmness dissappear.
Luring the fear in, kicking in her veins, encouraging her hart to pump her crimson blood faster. 

He left her.

But she wasn't alone.

She felt it.

She felt the darkness watching her.

Watching over her.

After all, the darkness was the only thing she had.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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