Chapter 8

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Nightingale wiggled her hand free from his very quickly, drawing and recoiling it back to her side. "Well I've been alone a lot in my other life. Mother is the only one who was constantly there for me. Well..." Night sighed softly and curled her hand to her heart. "For the time that she was dead I was mostly alone. Father was too depressed to do much but sit in his office and work. I hadn't really met the Angel yet... and Ravin was gone." She said, a bit of pain reflecting in her eyes. "Loneliness kills worse than love. I can say that..." She muttered, once more placing her palm over his heart.

Her eyes suddenly perked. "No! don't be tired! Don't go to sleep and leave me to my insomnia if I still have it! No! Gideon." She whimpered, her eyes widening. "I'll make you stay awake." She then threatened, her hand forming a fist over his heart. "Either we go back now, you stay awake, or we sleep here." She said as a full ultimatum.

"Wah!" Gideon said, his eyes flew open. Her sudden exclamation had startled him. "I'm not sleeping, just resting my eyes. You know, sometimes dragons are more fun to talk to when they sleep anyways....." Gideon seemed amused by her distress, although he tried his best to hide it. 

"Whoops. Not supposed to tell people that." He hide his mouth behind his hand, but he moved it again as he sat up. "I'm not leaving, did I not just say that, and I wouldn't mind staying here."

Nightingale hid her head and widened her eyes, like a pleading puppy. She receded off if him slowly, dragging her fingertips over his chest till they slipped off, and at that point she cradled her own palms to her heart. "Are you talking about semi-conscious dreams, in which telepaths can communicate and interact with each other's dreams through?" She deduced, laying on her chest and accentuating herself further. "I've never been too good at that. If one leaves their mind open at night, often intruders enter and cause havoc. " She shrugged, "Or so I've learned."

At that, she shown a bright smile and started to twiddle her fingers. "So. What do you want to do even if you're tired? I absolutely love the night! It's just--" She broke into a small string of giggles. "It's my most comfortable time to be out and about."

"I would imagine, Nightingale" Gideon replied. "And while, yes, some of us can communicate through dreams, I meant something different. It's a rather dangerous secret. I shouldn't have brought it up," He shrugged.

Gideon gazed around at the old broken down farm hill they sat on. "I prefer the day, but when I can't sleep, I enjoy late night flying, when the skies aren't crowded, and even everyone's thoughts are silent..."

"Can't you hear their dreams?" Nightingale asked, rolling onto her back. "I like the night because I can just sing and play all night without anyone to bother me- Though father was often awake at night as well. The gardens of the Nightwood Estate absolutely sparkle at night!" Nightingale's eyes filled with a dreamy look, as if her memories were something she missed sadly. "I love singing..." She finally muttered after a few moments of silence.

She looked to Gideon and smiled. "I don't care about your secrets. We all have them and its everyone's own choice to share them or not.... Do you sing?"

"Hear Dreams... what an interesting concept..." Gideon mumbled. He wasn't really paying attention to Nightingale's word though. At least, Not until she mentioned singing. Music was a large part of Draconic Culture. Music, Song, The arts. Ways to express ones feelings, with out directly using words. Every dragon had one form of expression or another that they favored most, but they were expected to have some skills in many. "Well, everyone here sings..."

Gideon smiled a bit shyly, "It's a matter of whether or not you're any good. There are many singers better than myself, I'm more for literature," That was his favored form of expression, things like poetry and writing.

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