The Start

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I'm just an ordinary girl. My name is Aurora. I have two parents, a mom and a dad. Like everyone else. Except, I only see my dad during the summer. My parents are divorced; been since I was old enough to understand "adult" matters. Sometimes I think it's because of me. Sometimes I question myself. Was I not enough to make my parents stay together? My mom has a boyfriend now. Matthew. He's a nice and caring guy. I don't blame her. I'd fall for a charming guy like him too. So cunning and sweet and--and just perfect. The ideal man if you'd like to say. My dad on the other hand, he remarried. Eleanor is her name. They have their own set of girls, twins. Eliza and Elizabeth. They're both 16 too, same age as me. I guess my dad had an affair. Explains all the frequent trips to California for "work" and why he wasn't around as much when I was still a kid. He lives in Cali now; with his new family. My mom and I live in New York. Sometimes I wonder if he still loves me. He's never been home since the divorce. I remember it vividly. Like it was yesterday.

The front door slams shut. In my room upstairs, I smile and run happily down the stairs. I stop midway and hide behind the wall that blocks me.

"AN AFFAIR? REALLY GEORGE? AN AFFAIR? How could you?" my mother shouted.

"Oh c'mon, don't act like you're all that innocent Rosa," my dad shouts back. They must of thought I was tucked in bed sleeping.

"What are you even talking about?" my mom replied flustered.

"Don't play dumb with me!" he shouts in frustration. Things fly in the air. My dad raises his voice. My mom gets furious. She walks over to their marriage photo and strips it off the wall. The picture perfect photo falls to the ground. The frame and glass shattering into pieces. Without knowing, tears fall down my cheeks. I put my trembling hands over my mouth, making sure not to make a sound.

"Two kids, the age of Aurora? How long has this--" my mother asked in a fragile voice then trails off in a whisper. I couldn't make out the rest.

"You know what. Forget it," my dad no longer wanted to talk. He grabs his jacket, the car keys, and heads to the door.

"If you walk out that door, never come back," my mother shouts without thinking. I know she doesn't mean it. She possibly can't.

"I think we should get a divorce," my dad confided with her, "I'll see you at the lawyer's office tomorrow. You can keep Aurora. She's not mine to keep." He opens the door and slams it SHUT.

"GET BACK HERE GEORGE!" my mother screams from the top of her lungs.

From outside the door, we can hear my father's last words, "GOODBYE ROSA. I WONT COME BACK." I walk out from my hiding spot tears streaming down my eyes.

"He's not coming back is he?" I ask her. I could tell she was in major shock. Just from the way she looked at me.

"Oh my poor baby," she says as she makes her way crying and pushes me in her arms comforting me. I was just an eleven year old. I wasn't ready for this.

I don't blame him. He must be happy with this "Eleanor" girl. Every summer I go and visit and every month he sends $100, thinking that's enough to fix me.

Enough about my horrid family past. New York is a great place, though it can be busy at times. I go to a high school called Eastern Hall. It's a nice school. I like it there. The girls there aren't like the ones you'd see in a Mean Girls series. The people here are quite nice, considering how they don't bother noticing you. I mean, that's a good thing right? I'm in my second year; sophomore. Well I was. The school year is over now, and I'm preparing to head to California. My dad owns a surfing business down at the a beach. He practically lives at the beach. Has his own beach house and everything. This will probably be my fifth year going since the split. I've met a lot of people.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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