The Start Of It All

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In everyones life they go through pain whether it's a break up , a lose of a loved one , or just being hurt by other people, but no matter what we all go through pain but the thing that helps stop pain is love by the people who care most about us as a human being. So my story starts in October, it was a not-so okay night I guess you could say. And that's when pain had only just begun. At this time I was dating this guy he was handsome and great and I thought I actually "loved" him. I mean we were perfect for each other (as so I used to think) we would talk on the phone for hours upon hours upon hours until we got so tired we both decided to go to bed. Everything was fabulous until we got farther into our relationship. After a month and a half things got a little worse by each day. We talked in the phone for a couple minutes, when we messaged each other we would only message each other a few times a day but we still "loved" each other.

.... To be continued .....

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