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after the talk jack was thinking :why would i say that?: :what if he says something bad?: then mark walked in :are you ok: :yes: jack said :OK:  they walked back in the living room. they looked at each other :do you want to have dinner?:  :yes: said jack  :OK:  said mark :in two more days im leaving:  :OK: said mark *they had dinner* after dinner they were talking about dying their hair pink and green. after they talked about dying their hair they went to sleep. next day they went shopping and had dinner again and went to sleep. the last day was there they were talking about how they were going to miss each other very much. jack said :my girlfriend misses me soo much i have to go back to Ireland:  :OK: said mark they hugged each other and jack left. jack was waiting for his plain mark was running towards him :jack i have to tell you something:  :what?:  mark kissed jack. jack held mark tightly. mark let go. :i love you!:  :i do too!: jack said they hugged each other one more time and jack left mark was sad that jack left: mark sobbed away to his house. he got a text from jack it says i miss you so much:  mark texted back  :i really do too:  *a week passes*  jack was rendering a video a knock at his door. he opened it. IT WAS MARK!  :MARK! yelled jack.  his girlfreind was not home. they kissed again. they stopped.  :mark your your here!:  :YES I AM:  jack hugged mark again. * they hung out and stuff blah blah*                                                                                                                               THE END! :)

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