Chapter 2: Bonds that Bind Us

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December 31, 1994/January 1, 1995

"Happy New Year Lucas!" Naomi squealed as she hugged the two year old little boy. Fireworks were going off in their neighborhood at the clock struck midnight.

Lucas clapped his hands in excitement. He loved fireworks. The boy thought that they were stars blowing up to make rainbows. "Happy! Happy! New Year Mama!" He giggles. Kissing his Mother on the cheek. Lucas moves from her lap, running into his room to get Caleb. He could not go a second without his bear.

John took a sip of his beer before leaning over to Naomi. "Happy New Year, Baby." He kisses her gently. Naomi presses her lips against his, wrapping her arms around his neck. John wraps his arms around her waist with one quick motion, he pulls her into his lap.

"Happy New Year, Johnny." Naomi murmurs against his lips. She pulls away slightly. "This will be the best year yet." She smiles at him. Luca ran back into the livingroom and sits Caleb down beside himself to play.

John looks at her. His thumbs rubbing circles against the exposed skin of her hips. "And why is that?" He smirks. Leaning into her and kissing her neck.

"I was thinking maybe giving Luca a sibling." Naomi bites her lip. Not knowing what John would think.

"Are you trying to tell me something, Naomi?" John asks, tears filling his eyes. He loved Naomi so much. And he has always wanted a big family with her. Only her.

"Yes." Naomi giggles. "I'm pregnant. I found out the other day. I just ..I just wanted to surprise you, Johnny." She kisses him.

John smiles even bigger. "Then this year will be great." He says before crashing his lips upon hers again. John looks over at Luca as he played with his bear.

December 31, 2007/ January 1, 2008

Alice's POV

"It has been a few days since Luca had come to live with us. And I think he has settled in just fine. The boy keeps to himself, but with the life he has had up to this point.." I frown. I hate what has happened. "Well I can't blame him, Jazz."

Jasper reaches over, grabbing my hand. He squeezes it. "Alice, it's not your fault. Your visions are voluntary sometimes and you saw him before it was too late to help." He grabs my chin with his other hand. Tugging on me to look him in the eyes. Begrudgingly, I look into his beautiful golden eyes. And I melt.

I lean into him, pressing my lips to his. In one swift motion, Jasper pulls me on top of him and flips us to where I'm on bottom. Both his hands are in mine. He kisses me back, nipping my bottom lip.

I let out a feral growl. "Jasper.." I kiss him harder. "Don't change the subject. And stop trying to calm me down. It takes more than your gift to calm me down nowadays." I whisper. "Luca is my blood. My great nephew. My old family, even if they left me. I can't just ignore him now that we have him."

"What can I do to calm you, darling?" His southern accent seeped into his words.

I look at him. I know he meant what he said. Jazz would do anything for me. "I saw the future, Jazz. Luca will become part of this family. He will be your best friend. And I'm not telling you to make it happen early. I am saying that maybe Luca needs you more than he needs me right now. You know what it's like to be alone. Will you do that for me? Will you show Luca that he isn't alone?" I bite my bottom lip. My hands coming up to Jasper's face. Stroking his cheeks gently.

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