Ups and Downs, Lefts and Rights

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When you start the journey to
the beginning of a new time,
you'll hope that it ends soon.
But alas, the confusion will only bring
you down if you allow it to-
for you are stronger than you feel.
You will rise up and above,
doing better than you think.
So let loose your worries and fears,
and hold them no more.

Then when the bolt finally pierces,
and the glass shatters into pieces-
you will defend the small flame,
almost smothering what is left.
After you realize what you've done,
you'll beg for forgiveness.
Never knowing whether it was given,
feeling alone and lost waiting for a reply.

Always will you expect less while you're here,
simply hoping for something better.
But like anything and everything-
it has its ups and downs, lefts and rights.
Despite your low hopes and beliefs,
there are more good things here than you think.
Simply calm your mind and remember-
remember what is here that you love.

The regret has given me a reason
to be stronger, to raise my head
and hold it up- and attempt to fix
what and who I have wronged.

And if I simply fail to make improvements,
I will stop and bite my tongue.
And just ask what I can fix-
what I can do better.
And I will listen.

* Photo credit to *

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