Chapter Five - Caravan (Un-Edited)

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After everyone's rest in the beautiful park, they set out to find another source of transport to go directly to Sentinel.

The sun reflected off the buildings giving the streets a colourful look to everything. People going about their business, parents with their children, friends talking and little events people gathered around to watch. Dawn was all to amazed at it, the others found it interesting to watch him.

"So, he's never been here?" Lilac asked,
"Yep, always got kept at our village for some reason," Lily replied smiling at the excited Dawn.

They continued for awhile, trying to find some mode of transport to get to the academy to no prevail. Just when everyone's was getting fed up and readying to give up they heard some news about a caravan leaving at dusk.

"You guys here that?" Ceil said whispering like it was something only they were allowed to hear.
"Yeah," Lily started "but if they aren't going to or passing the academy what then?"
Lilac laughed placing her hands on her hips, "Who cares? It'll be an adventure!" Dawns face lit up, "Yeah!" He agreed, Lilac hit him on the back with a smirk. Seeing as they had no better option, the others agreed.

They headed out North of the city were the caravan was located. The buildings began thinning out and soon they found themselves in a courtyard filled with horses and carts. Many people were spewed out, many different ages. Two figures began walking up to them, dressed in some normal cloth. The first was an old women, with long grey hair and brown tired eyes, but her smile made up for them. Before Dawn got a look at the second forgive, which was at least half the others size, hid behind the women.

"Hello there children, how may we help you?" She said, Lily must've been too curious with the person behind the older women to reply, "Hey, we need a ride. You wouldn't happen to be traveling North to.." As Ceil explained, Dawn lost interest as he saw a small furry tail pop out from behind the woman's back. Soon a small face peeked, she had short light brown hair and eyes, and feline ears. An Animaya. Animaya's a humans who posses animal traits such as ears, tails, whisker and more. Dawn read about them in an old book he found, history goes they were used as slaves, then were set free years later once they got rights as normal living beings.

"How cute!!" Lilac yelled, she made Dawn jump out of his skin. Lilacs eyes sparkled at the sight of the Animaya, Lily had the same expression as Dawn.
The little girl tugged on the women's sleeve, "Ma' are these people going to the school as well?" The lady looked down, "hm? Oh yes, apparently so." She petted the young girl on the head, her tail swung in pleasure.

"Wait School? Is this Caravan taking people to Sentinel?" Dawn spoke up just catching her words, the lady looked at Dawn and smiled "Yes we are. Not many unfortunately. You see, there's a lot of us caravan folk. We travel around Vale to do our business." She explained, Lilac still couldn't tear her eyes the little Animaya and she hid behind the older lady.

"What's your name? Mines Lilac," She said in soft tone holding out her hand, the girl stood idle, the older woman laughed a little "This little ones name is Mia," she moved to the side showing her to the others, Mia's face went bright red and she ran off into the maze of caravans. "Don't worry about her, she's always shy to new comers. Come on now I'll show you to a free carriage. If there's any free," she gestured for  them to follow her.

On the way they learnt that the older woman known as Abeegale has been with the caravan since she was a little girl, and when her father passed she took over it.

"Well, Ceil and Lily was it? I'm gonna need you to be in this one while it has some spare space," Lily nodded and  dragged Ceil who was staring off into space into the carriage, she waved a night before entering. "And you two in the one behind it this one, sorry it'll be just you two. Dawn was hesitant for a second, but Lilac grabbed his shoulder "Thanks Gran'!" She pulled him into the carriage. As the sun dipped over the walls of The Iron Capitol the caravan started its trek north.

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