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*sighs* I feel so down today...ever since I woke up today, I feel so crappy..couldnt even think what to do...I'm just layin around, on my bed thinkin what to do with my life...

I even tried to make a promise to a certain know who you are...its good that you promise me though...and I'm thankful for that..

So...I've been feeling really really down today...I hope someone could cheer me up.. and now there is hours for me to do a plenty of nothing...

And I hope I feel better soon...coz I'm sick of feelin down, feelin down is so nothing like me and it is restless and a bitch..I hate that feeling..

Whatever you see fit...I'm down today..really really down..*deep sigh*

Story Of My LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ