Baby Lucy

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I was walking to the guild. When I reached there I started hearing baby cries.

N: What's that sound? Oh hey Mira who is crying?

M: I'm there's something you might have to see.

So I followed her and saw a little baby there crying.

N: Whose this little one?

G: That's Lucy.

N: Oh ok wait WHAT!

E: Remember the spell that struck Lucy on the last mission. We thought it won't do anything but this is what it does.

L: Papa...

N: Um no I'm not your papa.

L: Papa,Papa.

M: Well since she called you papa why don't you take care of her.

N: Fine ill take care of her but where am I gonna get baby stuffs?

M: You don't need to worry about that we already got them.

N: Fine....


When Natsu went out to get some things for Lucy and I'm suppose to care of her. Well at least I can spend time with her.

L: Papa?

G: Papa went out for awhile he'll be back.

L: Pway?

G: What do you want play?

M: Hey grey Hi Lucy.

G: Ouh hey Mira.

L: Pway?

M: How we play princess?

L: Otay...

When Mira was playing with her Lucy started smiling and laughing. I gotta say she's a cutie alright.

E: Hey grey I see Lucy is playing princess with Lucy

G: Yeah I gotta she's cute when she's a baby.

E: Agreed.

Then Natsu started coming in

N: Yo I'm back.

M: Lucy look its papa.

L: Papa!( while running to Natsu)

N: Hey Lucy see what I got you.

L: Pwincess..

N: Yeah what a smart one.

L: Gaah ha.


I started walking home with Lucy holding my fingers. She is kinda cute. Happy is on my bed as always.

To be continued.....

Baby LucyWhere stories live. Discover now