the signs at a 1d concert;

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Aries:The one asking to get on someones shoulders so your fave can see you. You'll eat up the attention!
Taurus:Nodding along to the beat with a giant smile on their face.
Gemini:Will have a great time, but once its over, it's time to GO.
Cancer:Sobbing the entire concert because the boys "look so happy"
Leo:Somehow work your way into the front row, and gain a boy's attention.
Virgo:Drift from the pack, they saw an opportunity and they took it! You'll see them later and they may or may not have a phone number;)
Libra:Will be the one letting someone on their shoulders so they can see better, but say thank you!
Scorpio:Dance along with their friends, and as long as the night goes as planned, will feel infinite!
Sagittarius:They'll be the ones surprising their group: From spontaneously getting tickets, to exploring the city trying to find the boys after the concert.
Capricorn:Wait for the right moment to show their crazy, wild side, and tonight is the night!
Aquarius:Singing along and dancing the entire time. They will soak up the music, and chat up other fans.
Pisces:Fall in love with the music, the people, the lights. They will put that night on a pedestal.

last one tonight, goodnight guys!

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