Bailey the killer

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Once upon a time there was a girl named Bailey, Bailey had an abusive father and had a bunch of bullies so one day when Bailey was getting beat up and raped by her bullys she thought "f*** it I'm going to kill you all" so she did, she went back to her house and killed her two brothers and her mother and father even though the two brothers and mother were very caring and didn't do anything, she still did it because she wanted to and then years later she grew up and ran away and she met Jeff the killer, Jeff the killer was in love with her she said "Jeff have my babies" and Jeff and she got married to Jeff and had 11 children that they all were named Steven even the girls, jeff didnt care for names. and they both lived in the slender mansion happily ever after. oh and did I also mention she had an affair with Slenderman, but Jeff never found out so it was OK!

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