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A/N I wrote a Wbwl last night but it was deleted so I'm gonna write another, also its mainly Harry's POV so here we go.
Dumbledore walks up the stairs to the nursery. He stops in the doorway and takes in the scene. Harry's asleep in his crib. William is screaming the house down. Blood running down Williams face from the scar. A big cut that looks like a TR if you tilt your head. A dusty cloak on the ground. He walks over to William and lifts him as Lily and James run in the room.
"William is the Boy Who Lived."
Little did he know that if he had done any scan he would have noticed a dark Aura around Harry.
Little did he know that he'd regret his decision ten years later.

As I walk out of my room after packing and shrinking my trunk, I notice something. The house is quiet. I look at my watch and I see its ten thirty. I glare around. They left without me. Again. Anger sparks in me as I walk down the stairs to the kitchen. I pick up the bags of sweets I'd asked the house elves to pack for me. Though they are back at Hogwarts. I shove them in my never ending bag and rush to the floo.
"Kings Cross Station!" I shout and the floo flares. I step out of the fire place with grace and I walk towards 9 and 3/4. I walk through the barrier and I see my 'family' surrounded by reporters and fans. I snicker before I move towards the train.
"Harry!" I turn as I step on the train. I see William's best friend, Ronald Weasely and I narrow my eyes.
"If your looking for my brother he's over there." I point but he stares at my empty hands.
"Where's your trunk?" He asks, obviously confused.
"None of your business Weasely." His eyebrows furrow together. I turn and walk onto the train. I walk into the 'Slytherin' part of the train. I notice glares sent my away as I walk past people.
"Are you lost?" An older student asks. I look up from my book and raise my eyebrow.
"No, are you?" He glares at me.
"What's the golden boy doing on this part of the train?" I snort.
"The 'golden boy' as you put it, is still outside, I'm his brother." The Slytherin looks shocked. I raise my eyebrow and continue walking. I open the empty compartment behind him. I sit down with one leg drawn up on the seat. I look at my watch; quarter to eleven. I look out the window and the compartment door opens. Five people come it, arguing. Suddenly it goes silent.
"Who the bloody hell are you?" Before I could answer the older Slytherin answered from the doorway.
"That's the prick I told you about."
"Aww hurtful words from the big bad snake, why don't you slither back to your pit hm?" The older Slytherin glares and I gesture for him to leave. He glares harder but leaves.
"Are you truly William Potters brother?" A girl- a Parkinson- asks. I narrow my eyes.
"Yes. If you're going ask about him you may as well leave." I look at the boys at her side. A Malfoy and a Zabini, two bigger boys stand behind them, obviously a Crabbe and a Goyle.
"I'm-" the blond begins.
"Draco Malfoy, Basile Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle and Pansy Parkinson, yes yes. I know, big bad pure bloods, grr. We've met before, when you came to Potter Manor, you all thought I was a serving boy until you followed me to the library." They all let out small 'oh's. They all sit down in silence and the train starts to move. Pansy chats to Draco and Basile. I look over and I see them all squished on a bench, Basile on one end, then Pansy, Draco, Gregory then finally Vincent. I roll my eyes as I put a gummy worm in my mouth. I lean back in my seat as the city changes to country. I blink tiredly out the window before my eyes slide shut.
I open my eyes as the train slows. I stand and stretch.
"Aren't you going to get changed into your uniform?" Pansy asks. I shrug.
"Don't have one, James didn't think I'd make it in even though I got my letter, so he didn't get me one." Their faces display shock. I shrug causally. "I'll never be as good as their golden boy." I walk out and off the train.
"First Ye'rs! First Ye'rs!" The half giant calls. I see Ron trip over a boy walking past him. My brother laughs as the boy falls. I lift my hand and Ron's hair turns electric blue, skin deep yellow, his freckles forst green and his eyes a dark red. His hair stands in spikes as a top to the sky and twirl as I twist my fingers.
"Potter!" Someone snaps and I drop my hand as my brother looks around before walking to the boats. I walk to the boats and climb in one with Draco, a Chinese girl and a black boy. The others gasp as we come into view of the castle. I keep reading my book and I feel the boat stop. I get out while reading. Someone hits the book out of my hand. I catch it by the spine and I look up.
"Filthy Half Blood." I close my hand into a fist and narrow my eyes. I take in what he looks like. It's the second youngest Greengrass, Timothy. I straighten as he walks away. I feel my anger bubble again and I storm past the Greengrass and hit him with my shoulder causing him to trip.
"Stupid Pureblood." I mutter as I pass him. I stand off to the side and stare out at the lake. I hear an adult met with the half giant. I hear everyone turn towards me and she clears her throat.
"Mister Potter." Professor Mcgonagal says in a stern voice. I turn and I hear people gasp.
"Yes Professor?" There's another round of gasps.
"We're going inside to get sorted." I nod and move ahead of the others. Professor Mcgonagal walks beside me as I read my book. She explains the different houses and that we'd be sorted in front of the whole school. She leads us into the Great Hall from one of the side doors. The students murmur about the famous twins and I roll my eyes.
"You okay?" I hear Draco say from behind me. I turn and we stare at each other for I bit.
"Yeah, I'm alright, are you?" He shrugs and moves up beside me.
"Yes, I suppose, my father wants me in Slytherin and my mother wants me in Ravenclaw, I don't want to disappoint them." I look at him before turning to the head table.
"James and Lily want Golden boy and myself to be Gryffindorks, I don't want to obviously, I didn't want to come to this stupid school, I wanted to go to Ashby's Academy of the arts, I even got accepted but noooo." I glare straight at James Potter's head from where he sat in the DADA seat.
"Malfoy, Draco." Draco smiles at him and I shake his hand.
"Later Malfoy." He smiles and I smile slightly back. The hat hovers just above his head before shouting.
"Slytherin!" I clap and smile at him as he looks towards me. He sits at the end of the table and the calling continues.
"Potter, Harry." Silence rings throughout the hall, because the thought to be squib is here. I walk forwards and close my eyes as I sit down.
"Hmm, the youngest Potter finally arrives. Great power, excellent mind. You have the bravery of a Gryffindor, kindness of a Hufflepuff, intelligence of a Ravenclaw and the cunningness of Slytherin. For that you cannot be placed unless you open your mind more." I open my mind into the days of my childhood.
/Flash backs/
Four year old Harry taking the blame for his brother.
Five year old Harry getting hit for the first time.
Six year old Harry getting beaten by his brother and his friends.
Seven year old Harry hiding in the library from the shouts of his father.
Lily healing eight year old Harry from after one of his fathers beating.
Nine year old Harry stealing to survive in his own home.
Ten year old Harry being abandoned on a full moon in the middle of the forest.
Eleven year old Harry being left at home alone.
/End of flashes/
The hat is quiet for a long time. "Perhaps you are not to be sorted." The hat says before sniffing and sighing.
"I do not mind, I did not want to be here in the first place." I say quietly before the sorting hat rings out.
"CAN'T BE SORTED!" Gasps run throughout the room. The hat is lifted off my head and I open my eyes. Another gasp running throughout the room. I move to the side and sit on the steps. Chatter runs through the room and Dumbledore stands.
"Silence!" Students quieten and he continues. "Professor continue the sorting."
"Potter, William." He sneers at me as he walks past.
"Gryffindor!" The hat shouts before Mcgonagal could put the hat anywhere near it. I lean back, not listening to the sorting. I stare at the roof, watching the night sky. My eyes flash gold and the candles twirl around each other. The students begin to whisper again just as the sorting finishes. I stop the candles as someone clears their throat.
"Mr Potter, go sit at one of the tables, someone will collect you after the feast." I stare at Professor McGonagal until she feels uncomfortable before I nod and walk down the steps. I look at all the houses. I look at Neville who was always lonely when he visited the manor, sitting alone at Gryffindor. I see Ms Hermione Granger, also alone but at Ravenclaw. I see Aquarius Snape at Hufflepuff being glared at by Slytherins and Ravenclaws the two neighbouring tables. I see Draco Malfoy and his followers. I look at the house flags before walking to Hufflepuff and sliding into the seat next to Aquarius. She jumps and stares at me. Dumbledore begins talking loudly but I focus of Aquarius.
"Are you okay?" I ask as I notice her eye rimmed with tears. She shakes her head slowly. "Would you like to go somewhere, away from everyone for a little bit? I'll stay with you if you want?" She nods before sniffling. I stand and help her up. I look up at the Potions Master, I nod once before leading her out of the hall. I lead her a bit down the hall. She begins sobbing and I hold her as we stop. I pet her hair gently and let her cry. I hear the hall doors open and Aquarius continues to sob. I look over and I see Severus. He walks over and stands next to us quietly.
"Aquarius, your father is here, I would like you two to discuss what is upsetting you, okay? I'll stay, if you need me to, otherwise I'll be in the hall when you are done okay?" She nods as I speak to her softly and I look up at her father. I gently pull her back and wipe her cheeks. I smile softly. She hugs her father and I nod to him. I walk back to the hall. I walk in and sit next to Hermione, whose being ignored.
"Hello." I say to her as I straddle the bench, facing her, ignoring the food.
"Oh, hello, my names Hermione Granger." I shake her hand.
"My name is Harry Potter." I say softly. She smiles.
"Did you know that Hogwarts has the biggest library, aside from the Ministry's library?" She says excitedly.
"No, I didn't know that, but I have heard that Hogwarts has the biggest restricted section in the seven continents, and that Hogwarts has also got the second largest dark arts collection aside from the Black family." Her jaw drops before grinning.
"Really? That's amazing, I read that the Blacks were a dark family, but to have the biggest collection means they must be pretty dark." I smiles softly.
"Not necessarily, My brothers Godfather is Sirius Black, he's definitely not dark, his cousin Belletrix on the other hand is crazy, like belongs in the madhouse crazy. His other cousins aren't that bad, I mean Andy got kicked out for falling in love with a muggle and Narcissa married Lucius Malfoy, their heir is over there," I point to him and Hermione looks. "I met him and his friends at Potter Manor, they didn't know who I was, they didn't know I was Williams twin, they were pretty nice I suppose." I pause and look at Hermione. "Sirius is the Head of the Black house, meaning he's Lord Black, but he doesn't like the title, but he doesn't want to leave it to his cousins or his brother, Regulus, who he think is dark. He isn't." I roll my eyes. "The man was so scared. You see his mother forced him to take Voldemort's mark, and now Regulus is so scared around people, he only ever talks to me when we are alone, that's how I know about the Black history, or whatever." She nods.
"What about the Potter's?" She asks.
"Well, I know the Potters are the descendants of Gryffindor, Charles Potter, My Grandfather fought in the last war, he was in a coma for a while and no one was sure he was going to survive until he woke up, but he can't walk anymore, his legs are too weak, so my Grandmother cares for him. James Potter is their only son, but they practically adopted Sirius when they were at Hogwarts. James married Lily just after they graduated. I know the Potters claim to be light, yet they are known to be violent, aggressive and abusive when angered." People lean towards me as I talk to Hermione. "It's just like how everyone claims the Malfoy's are dark when Lucius was forced to take Voldemort's mark, for what I know Narcissa doesn't have the mark, and from what I've seen of Lucius he's only trying to make his father proud." I hear someone choke behind me. "But that's 'pureblood' society. If they don't think you're good enough once, you'll never be good enough. And when you try to prove yourself worthy you get shunned and treated as though you are lower than they are. Take the Weasley's for example, they are shunned because they are one of the most poorest Pureblood family's, it's not their fault that the generations before them spent their riches lively, leaving the next generations with nothing, and it's something that's brought the family closer together." Hermione looks over at the Gryffindor's. "Or take the Longbottom's cursed by Voldemort, forcing them to abandon their son to his grandmother because Voldemort is a coward, and can't fight fair. How would you feel if your family was pressuring you to be like your father, who you've never actually talked to because he was forced away from you at a young age?" I stare at her intensely. "And if I find out that the Heir of the Longbottom house is bullied in anyway I will personally see to it that they get what they deserve." I turn to Neville and he smiles at me. The hall doors open and Aquarius stands next to her father. "Please excuse me." I stand up and walk over to them. I stop in front of them. Aquarius smiles. "Have you sorted out the issue?" Aquarius smiles and nods.
"Yes, and thank you for looking after my daughter." I smile at him.
"No problem, sir. I'll do anything for my God Sister." He smiles slightly and puts a hand on my shoulder before heading back to the table. I lead Aquarius to the Hufflepuff table and sit with her. She puts a couple of things on her plate and looks at me. I smile at her. I lean forward and whisper. "If anyone bothers you, tell me before your father and I'll break their nose." She snorts.
"Would that be necessary?" She asks and I grin at her as I lean back.
"Of course. Oh and I've met a girl you may like, Hermione Granger of Ravenclaw, she's smart, wants to learn and is willing to listen and help." Aquarius smiles and she's her head.
"Of course you'll try set me up." I smile at her innocently.
"What? Who? Me? No way. Why would I set my sister up with someone whose perfect for her, pffft." I look away as she laughs.
"Such a little match maker." She teases.
"Only for you, Water Goddess, only you." I say sweetly.
"And Sirus. And Remus. And Regulus and Tonks and My own father!" I roll my eyes.
"I made them happy, I don't know why you're complaining."
"Yes totally, happy, setting them all up together was totally a good idea." She says snottily. I roll my eyes.
"I'll have you know, Sirius and Remus are happy together, thanks to me. And Regulus and your father get on swimmingly. And Tonks and Joy have been going out for three years now, and it's all cause I-" I pause and we both laugh. I don't continue and she continues eating.
"You should eat something." Aquarius says with some concern. I roll my eyes.
"Mr Potter, follow me." I turn and see Severus, Lily and James. I stand and the hall turns to stare. I look at Lily and James before turning to look at Severus. He's glaring at James as per usual. I turn to Aquarius.
"I'll, hopefully, see you later." She nods and I step away from the seat. I place my hands behind my back, my left hand gripping my right wrist. Severus turns and strides out of the hall. I walk beside him keeping his pace easily. As soon as we exit the hall, I slow down and pause as Lily and James follow at a much slower pace. My magic maps out the school and I turn to Severus. "I'll meet you at the Headmasters office. I take off running and I hear Lily and James shouting.
"HARRY!" I pause at the corner and look back at Severus, who hardly ever yells at me, he strides up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder to guide me.
We've been at the Headmasters office for twenty minute and all they've done is argue.
"This is stupid." I mutter as I stay seated. Dumbledore pauses arguing with James and looks at me.
"What was that, my boy?" I scowl at him, looking him directly in the eye.
"I said the is fucking stupid." I say louder. Lily and Severus turn and stare at me.
"And why is that?" Everyone in the room stares as I glare at the headmaster.
"Because you've all been arguing for twenty minutes, and I've already sorted out my timetable, so does it really matter which house I'm in?"
"Of course it matters!" James says angrily.
"And why is that?" I turn to him, taking my eyes off the headmaster. "Me not being sorted only means I have equal characteristics of each house, none more prominent than the other, meaning I can't be sorted." James glares at me.
"Just choose a house."
"Slytherin, I look better in green." James moves forwards as I stand. "Headmaster, Professors." I walk out of the office and down into the dungeons. I stop as my magic halts me. I look at the wall as I feel a buzz of magic from behind it. I touch the wall and it opens. I walk inside and the chatter freezes, silences taking over as I walk into the dorm room. I walk over to Draco and sit next to him.
"What are you doing here? I would've though you'd of been in a different house." Draco says softly and I shrug.
"I look better in green." Draco laughs.
Everyone from his group heads over.
"What are you doing here Potter?" I hear Daphne Greengrass ground out angrily. I turn and glare at her.
"I don't see how that's any of your business, Greengrass.".

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