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iris valentine; december 05

i re-read the words over and over before looking over to the boy behind the counter. sure, i would–should be creeped out, but instead, i felt...happy. especially after finding out that sammy has bailed on me once again, my mood changed really quick.

and nothing changed my mood this quick before.

i couldn't help but look over the counter and watch him do his work stuff, but when his head turned to me, i was internally screaming. i turned away and took the last sip of the okay-tasting latte and set it down on the table.

i picked up my phone from the table and immediately dropped it again before deciding whether i should go or stay. it was getting late and i had homework to finish before the weekend.

the people inside started to leave and that was when i decided i should head out too. i stood up, grabbing my paper cup and my bag before walking out the door and walking home before it got too dark – even if it was only 5:30pm. the sky was still a light shade of blue, the sun was doing nothing. it was getting colder and colder and i was only 5 feet away from starbucks. 

my heart dropped when i realized i didn't have my phone on me. i turned around while checking my bag and pockets before realizing it was really gone. i'm so dumb, holy shit i think people are just gonna laugh at me or mentally kill me for being so dumb.

as i expected, i see my iphone on the table as i walk in but before i could get there, someone grabbed it and walks towards the counter where the guy used to be and i followed him. "excuse me? that's my phone." i say as i tap the guy wearing a dark blue shirt and a hoodie. he turns to me and hands me my phone and smiles.

that's when i realized he was the hella cute barista. he was no longer in his starbucks clothes but instead with a hoodie over his blue shirt and jeans with a snapback. doesn't he feel cold? 

"here," he says as he hands me my phone with a smile. i take it from him and check my notifications and it had a bunch of messages from sammy. he was wondering where i was and that he was gonna be at my place tonight and i replied with simple "okay's" and "yeah's" and a "see you there." i put my phone away and thank the guy a bunch of times before getting a laugh out of him. 

"it's okay, i just saw it over by the table and now it's back with you," he says as he rubs the back of his neck nervously. it was so cute to see him be so nervous in front of me and i couldn't help but blush at his actions. 

"thank you for the thousandth time, but i have to go," i smile and turn away. 

"bye iris," the guy yells out before i leave and i giggle. i start making my way home, taking my time and appreciating the sky as it turns darker. once i reached my house, i unlock the door and walk in. immediately walking up the stairs and into my room, i drop the paper cup on my desk and kick my shoes off before tossing my bag and phone on my bed. 


i hope u enjoyed this chapter :-) 

so much luv - j

coffee boy - shawn mendes (starbucks ver. 2)Where stories live. Discover now