chapter 9

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kisha's P.O.V

T.G.I.F!!!!!! this week has been hell for me.prodigy keeps lookin at me every time he wit one of his hoes like i care. ashley and prince have been arguing like everyday now and ashleys stressing over it and destiny is still confused on wat to do wit her baby. i need a vacation from this shit

kay:wassup kisha

me:hay kay nuthin stressin and ready to get outta here

kay:truu this week was crazy

me:i know

shay:wats gucci my niggas she said walking up to us by my locker

me & kay:hay tyshay

shay:so i was thinkin of having a sleepover tonight yall wanna come

me:yea i'll come over i need to get away

kay:yea me to

shay:cool i'll invite more ppl and text yall wat time to be there


shay:so wats up wit u and mr.rocky

me:*signs i dont know i mean we've been talkin all week and he keep doin nice stuff and being sweet to me

kay:girl u should just go wit him. u know u want to so just do it

me:i dont know i just dont want the same thing to happen wit the whole prod thing

kay:it wont. roc seem like a nice guy and he seems to really like u and remember....he aint prod stupid self

me:truuu well we'll see. tyshay u inviting the boys

shay:ugh wat i want to invite them niggas for

me:cuz they yo friends to

shay:yea ok

me:so im guessing thats a yes

shay:i guess sure y not

kay:this should be interesting

me:truu i said laughing


me:ight well see yall later


i made my way to my first period class and ray, prince and roc were already there

me:wassup yall i said sitting in my seat

ray:wat up kish

roc:hay boo

me:roc y u keep callin me that

roc:cuz thats wat u is and soon u gon be my baby

me:sure i said smiling then i noticed prince havent said a word

me:hay prince

prince:hay kisha he said in a low voice

me:wats wrong

prince:nuthin im good he said not lookin at me

me:come on princeton i know wen somethin is wrong wit u we've been frinds for to long now tell me wats wrong

prince:ight some out in the hallway before the teacher come

me:ight...yall we'll be right back


we walked into the hall to make sure there were no teachers and began talkin

me:ok now wats wrong

prince:me and ashley aint doin to good

me:wat u mean?wat happened

prince:the night of the party, remember wen u and prod left

me:ugh dont remind me but yea

prince:well i was goin to try somethin cuz i thought we been together long enough to make love to each other but she pushed me away sayin no she wasnt ready and i was perfectly find wit that

me:ok so wats the problem

prince:well since she didnt want to i just desided to go home and she said wen i got home i was bored and invited over a friend

me:wat friend?


me:ciara?who's that

prince:a girl that i hang out wit and we just friends

me:wait u mean ciara finly

prince:yea her

me:ok so wat happened after that

prince:she came over and we were just chillin u nkow playin video games and watchin movies and stuff.and next thing u know ashley stormed in and start yellin "WHO THE FUCK IS THIS BITCH, PRINCE I CANT BELIEVE U, JUST BECAUSE I DIDNT HAVE SEX WIT U, U BRING THIS HOOD RAT BITCH IN HERE" and im just like wat are u talkin bout we just chillin this aint got nuthin to do wit that.then she yelled at me some more then yelled at ciara then left

me:wow she never told me all this happened

prince:thats cuz she dont want to admit she wrong u know how she is

kisha:yea..........well are yall sure yall are JUST friends

prince:kisha come u out of all ppl should know i would never cheat on ashley i love her to much

me:your right im sorry its just the whole thing wit prodigy messed me up and made me not wanna trust any boy

prince:like roc......look kisha i talk to him and he's a really nice guy u should give him a chance instead of judging him for wat the last guy did, that will drag him away

me:....yea maybe i have been doin that

prince:look kisha u better get a boy that really cares about u while u can before u lead him away like ashleys about to do wit me cuz if she cant trust me then we have no future together

princeton really gave me a different perspective on roc. i should give him a chance instead of blaming him for somethin that prod did.

me:thank u prince u always know wat to say i said as i hugged him

prince:aye u like my sister u i cant let u hang he said laughing

me:yea and your like my bro and im going to talk to ashley because u guys have been through to much to end it like this

prince:thanks kish but right now we need to get back in class cuz here come mrs.smith

me:truu lets go i said walking back in wit prince

i really know wat im going to do now and im gonna let roc know my decision tonight at tyshay sleepover.hopefully he feels the same.

destiny P.O.V

so i didnt go to school today becuase i made an doctors appointment to deal wit my baby issue.the choice that i made is from my heart and what i think is right.

doctor williams:hi how are u mrs.wilson

me:fine and u doctor w.

DW:oh i cant comeplain


DW:so have u made your choice about your child

me:yea ive desided that im....................... going to keep the baby

DW:great well congradulations

me:thank u i said smiling

DW:ok well were gonna take a look to make sure every things ok with the baby and we'll give u the days of the appointments u should be here for further information

me:ok but do u know wat appointment day i will find out the gender

DW: oh well it should be around appointment day 9

me:ok great

DW:alright lets get started

he did all the stuff to make sure the baby is forming well and made sure every thing was going smoothly then he showed me the hologram and it almost had me in tears wen i saw the baby.its like i felt an connection already and im really happy that im keeping it.this baby is going to be my soul, my world, and my life and i dont need prodigy's ass for anything cuz me and my baby will be just fine without him.

End of school day

Rays P.O.V

me:aye wat up peoples i said walking up to the group

EB:hay ray

me:so tyshay wats this i here about u having a sleepover tonight

shay:u heard right i am

me:so am i invited cuz u know it aint a party if Ray2wice aint there

shay:sure its not but yea i guess u can come

ray:cool, aye yall seen destiny

kisha:she had to go to the doctor so she aint come to school

ray:oh yea for her baby

kisha:yea i cant believe that hoe prod said that baby aint he's

me:he said it aint his?

taylor:yea yo lil buddy is a bitch

ray:i didnt know he did that

taylor:speaking of the bitch

i turned around then prod daped me

prod:sup ray

me:wats good prod

i was the only one still cool wit him cuz me and him go way back to pre-k butafter wat i just heard we need to talk

prod:wassup er body


prod:oh so now yall dont know a brotha..ight thats cool

me:um prod let me holla at u real quick

prod:ight but first i gotta do somethin

he walked over to where kisha and roc were standing cuz roc was holding her from the back and prod probably got somethin smart to say knowin him

prod:hay kisha baby

kisha:nigga please i aint ya baby and im never gon be ever again

prod:come kish u know u miss me after that goog lovin i put on u

roc:u can get outta her face now for u get delt wit

prod:who u supposed to be........ohhhh ok i see now u mr save a hoe right alright well u can have her for now but just letting u know right now i can take her again wen ever i want

roc:yea ight

me:come on prod man thats enough lets go

prod:ight.....bye kisha baby see u soon he said tryin to kiss her hand but she snatched it before he could

me:i'll see yall tonight

EB:ight bye ray

i walked away wit prod so we could go to my locker and say wat i need to say

me:man u gon get jumped on by roc u keep messin wit kisha

prod:man fuck that nigga he aint gon do shit and kisha gon always be mine no matter who she try to pretend to be wit

me:yea ight

prod: so wat u wanted

me:aw yea.......did u deny destiny baby?

prod:man hell yea i aint finna claim that baby

me:y tho? u know that babies yours cuz u took her v-card remember and i kept yo secret cuz u didnt want kisha to find out u was cheating

prod:man i know that and u know that but er body else dont so if she aint got no proof then that baby aint mine

me:man thats fuck up u betta step up a be a man if she keep that baby

prod:i aint doin shit point blank period. if she wanna keep it thats her choice just know i aint taken care of it.

me:do wat u want but thats foul and u know it

prod:look man u my bro and i love u but dont get in my business ight

me:watever look i'll talk to u later

prod:ight he said dapping me

i walked to my car to go home so i could get some clothes for tonight. prod is bogus as hell for doin this shit to destiny if that was my child i'd own up to mine but i guess not everybody a real man.if destiny end up keeping it i will help her raise her child cuz i care about her.

kisha's P.O.V

phone convo

me:so your keeping the baby

destiny:yea i cant kill my baby if i did i would never forgive myself

me:well congradulations and remember if u need anything im here for u

destiny:thank u and kisha thanks for understanding after wat i did to u

me:its ok destiny i know wat u been through and i will always be here for u just dont let it happen again i said laughing

destiny:it wont he said laughing

me:so are u coming to tyshay sleepover tonight

destiny:yea wat time should i come

me:she text me sayin be there at 8:oo

destiny:ight well i'll see u there

me:ight bye

end of phone convo

i was at my house getting some clothes wen roc texted me

ROCKYPOOH:hay baby u ready for the sleepover

MY#1BABY:yea i should be on my way over there in 5 minutes

ROCKYPOOH:ight i'll see u there cuz im like 10 minutes away

MY#1BABY:ok and wen we get there i haft to tell u somethin

ROCYPOOH:is it bad?

MY#1BABY:no its just somethin i should've told a long time ago

ROCKYPOOH:ok well see u there

MY#1BABY:ok bye


i hope this night go as planned and no pop ups. i got my sleeping bag grabed my car keys and drove to tyshay house.

tyshay house

wen i got there everybody was there already shockingly but ashley and prince were far away from each is the time to talk to her

me:hay guys

EB:wassup kisha

me:yall ready to have some fun

shay:i know i am yall ready for this shit bitches

me:aye TURN UP


me:hellooooo ashley wen one of us say turn up the other suppose to say turn down for wat

ashley:sorry not in the mood

me:ok thats it ashley kitchen now

ashley:girl who u think u is

me:come on im serious

ashley:so am i

i looked at her blankly

ashley:ight watever

we walk to tyshay's kitchen and i cut right to it

me:ok wats goin on? y u aint talkin to princeton

ashley:i'd rather not talk about it

me:look u aint gotta tell me every thing cuz prince told me wat went down i just wanna hear wat u gotta say and y u aint tell me wen it happened

ashley:cuz i didnt want nobody to know

me:but ashley we tell each other every thing wats so different this time

ashley:nuthin ok she said starting to cry

me:ashley talk to me dont cry this me u talkin to

ashley:well u know how i showed up at prince house and yelled at him and ciara


ashley:yea well ciara called me on her own and told me that nuthin happened between her and prince and most of the time he was talkin about how much he loved me and would do anything for me then she said her and prince were nuthin more than brother and sister and at that moment i just felt dumb

me:so y didnt u just say sorry and move on

ashley:cuz i didnt wanna look stupid

me:well either way u looked stupid but that dont mean stop talkin to him

ashley well aint no other way to do it

me:yes it is ashley just say u sorry and move on before u drive prince away

ashley:wat made u say that

me:he told me that if u cant trust him then there aint no future for yall and he's right ashley. u need to trust him cuz prince is a great guy and loves u very much. just make up keep yall future alive

ashley:u right its just after i saw wat prodigy did to u somethin took over me but i know better now

me:we cant judge our relationship off of wat that fool did, we gotta keep it movin

ashley:truu thanks kisha

me:no problem now lets get back so we can TURN UP


so we went back into the room and they were on omegal talkin to some boy

ashley:look prince im sorry for not trusting u i just had a moment

prince:baby u should nkow i would never cheat on u i love u

ashley:i love u to

and then they litterly kiss and made up. good for them. now to find out who this niggas talkin to

me:who yall talkin to

taylor:well tyshay is talkin to him


kay:yea and he said he go to our school

shay:yall he just messaged me back

destiny:wat he say

shay:he like me

me:ohhhhh tyshay somebody crushin on u

shay:yea but who

me:and they go to our school u better keep a look out

shay:trust me i will niggas be stalkin me

me:wat ever......roc i need to talk to u

roc:ight come over here and tell me

me:ok i said gettin up and walkin over to him

roc:so wassup boo

me:so u been liking me and now i like u and wen we kissed at my house and i asked u wat it meant for us and u said it was up to me


me:well i desided that i want us to be more than friends

roc:so this mean u my offical baby now

me:yea i said laughin

roc:ight then come here he said leaning in kissing me and as we were all i heard was "OHHH"

me:watever yall

shay:we gotta couple in the house

prince:umm helloo

shay:oh yea well we got 2 couples in the house

ray:well that might change in a minute......destiny can i talk to u


prince:ohhhhh get ya girl bro

ray:shut up

ray P.O.V

me:destiny walked into tyshay livingroom to talk and i had to get this off my chest

destiny:wassup ray

me:so destiny u desided to keep the baby

destiny:yea i couldnt let a my child die

me:good like i said if u need anythin anythin at all im here for u


me:and i want u to know that wat prod did was fucked up

destiny:yea i know but its fine me and my baby dont need him

me:yea u dont.......look destiny i wanna tell u that i really like u and ive been liking u since 8th grade but just never said anythin

destiny: y u aint tell me ray

me:cuz i was afraid that u wouldnt fell the same way

destiny:ray if u would've just asked u would know that i feel the same way to



me:dang i feel stupid

destiny:well dont be at least u told me. better late then never

me:well i wanna be more than just friends tho if u dont mind

destiny:which is...

me:a couple

destiny:ray i would love to but the baby and-

me:dont worry about it i said i got u

destiny:but ray this aint yo child its prod and he need to be the one taken care of it not u

me:watever it takes to be wit u i will do it cuz i care about u destiny

i stepped close to her and kissed her softly on the lips

me:did that prove my point

destiny:very clear she said smiling

me:good now u mine and u not getting away from me ever now lets go show everyone the new couple


im so happy right now i finally got her and she all mine and aint nobody taken her from me.

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