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I frowned slightly and sat down, deciding whether or not I should call and ask her. After a few minutes of mental debate, I decided against it. She doesn't like me anyway. Why do I care if Trent's the only reason she wants to hang out with me? I don't..I don't think. Oh Give it up, Bieber. You know you care. I groaned loudly and closed my eyes, resting my head in my hands.


So for once a girl isn't using me for the fame or money? She's using me for.. my cousin..? Trent? That's a new one. God, how can she even like him?! Does she not see that he's a player? Jeez.. I'm almost positive he doesnt like her... Shit! Now she's just going to get hurt! Ugh. Why can't I just like girls that already like me? Like seriously. I bet she thinks I'm some weirdo now, because I tried to hold her hand. God! And what am I going to do? It's not like I can talk to Trent about it! Or my mom.. I mean I love her and all. I really do! And I tell her everything! Except when it comes to girls.. I mean come on.. That's just awkward. I tell her most stuff about them.. But not this time... I don't wanna some how screw this up. There's something about Serena. The way her blue eyes sparkle in the sun.. She's so pretty its unbelievable....

I took in a breath and thought for a second. "Tomorrow I'll talk to Serena and ask her why she's really friends with me." I said aloud, looking down at the floor. And if she's just using me to get to Trent...I'll..What the hell am I going to do? I wanna say that I can just stop being friends with her. Stop seeing her all together but, I don't think I can do that. I long for her face. Her red hair. Her blue eyes. I guess we'll see how I feel about it tomorrow..


I walked inside and shut the door. That actually wasn't that bad.. at all. Justin is really sweet. I can seriously see him being one of my best friends in like a week. God. Now I feel bad. Did I seriously just go out with him, let him buy me lunch and drive me, JUST so I could get closer to Trent. OH my Lord.. Im freaking shallow... I need to apologize.. the guil is killing me and it only started five seconds ago. But if I tell him... He'll know. But I like him now! I just needed to give him a chance. I really wanna be friends with him. God! I feel so bad.. Why am I being so bitchy?! Ugh... What am I gonna doooo? I took in a breath and threw myself on the bed, hiding my face in one of my pillows, and screaming loudly. That's supposed to help most people but, did it help me? Hell no. Damn guilt. I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling, Justin's voice being the only thing that ran through my head. "..It's not like I expected this to be like a first date or anything.." Shit!! He really does like me. Why do I have to be so likable??

God. Maybe I should just call him. Get it over with now. So we can be real friends. Yeah, that sounds good. I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts, stopping on his name. . . Okay, Serena, pressing the call button would help ya know! I screeched in my brain. I took a deep breath, pressed the button, and slid the phone up to my ear. I waited 4 rings before he answered, and surprisingly, I didn't chicken out and hang up right there....

cliffy! sorta..? lol. Alice! pm me! we all outta writing lolz

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