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I'm bored and overwhelming myself with books to read and write i need to stop someone take away my technology p.s. i know nothing about business so excuse the unrealisticness <-- look mum i made a word

Luke walks into the tall building as he does every morning sighing as he has to sit through another interview today. News reporters always want to know what's happening in the newest most successful company. They always want to know how he worked his way up to there.He always ended each interview with as little information as possible so the press wouldn't chase his ass even more than they already do

He slowly makes his way towards the elevator discovering that it's vacant when the sliding doors part.When the elevator reaches his floor he exits getting a wave of 'hello's' from workers and visitors."Hello babe" He says kissing his secretary aka his wife Jocelyn."Hello Lukey how was the drive here" Jocelyn asks batting her eyelashes and making circle patterns on his chest with her index finger."Lots of traffic but hey,I made it" he says kissing her again."You have a reporter waiting in your office babe good luck" she says squeezing his hand in a loving way along with a peck on the lips,letting Luke go off to his interview.

Luke walks into the room surprised when he wasn't seeing some 20 year old woman who's barely interested in whats actually happening in the business instead asking about his personal life and more so about how attractive and Luke isn't gonna lie he knows he's attractive and others see it too but the thing is that's usually all they care about.

He takes a seat in his chair that he sits in everyday with a beautiful view overlooking the city behind him."Hello Mr.Hemmings I'm interviewing you for the New York times paper the names Michael and let's get this over with" he says and Luke's in complete shock usually the reporters are all over him and hope to stay longer but this boy just seems...uninterested in him,which is new to Luke to be completely honest."Michael..nice name so how old are you" he asks curious about this boy who actually seems annoyed with him."18 first question w-"."A bit young to be a reporter don't you think" he asks out of curiosity."Are you questioning how well I can do my job based on my age because I can say the same about a 24 year old who's a CEO maybe you're not of age to do your job correctly" Michael retorts."Whoa I didn't mean anything by it just that you're younger than most reporters I've seen"Luke says holding his hands up in defence."So can I get this interview done or what" Michael asks with a huge eye roll and an angry tone and Luke just nods slowly."Ok so what's the first major move you ma-"

At the end of all the questions Michael took his notebook and voice recorder and shoved it in his bag."So um Michael was it what if I had a um proposal for you" Luke asks when the boy is about to leave the room

"I'm listening"



First chapter woo. what do you think the offer is?

what do you think about luke being married?

Michael's attitude towards Luke?

The third person POV?

Other Opinions?

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