Chapter One:Vic

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           "Mommy,will we all be together forever?"
           "Of course,honey. It's our destiny."
           "What do you think I'll be like when I'm older?"
           "A strong,proud,confident,beautiful girl."
Flashback end

        Warm blood,dripped furiously down my wrists. Dizziness. Good. The knife clattered out of my hands,sliding down to the floor. I fell,eyes closing.

        Screaming. The sound of a knife driving deep into bone. That's what I heard from under the table,as my parents were murdered.
Flashback end

       They both lied. They're not here for me. What liars. I fell into the blackness,accepting it like a hug. Nothing mattered anymore.

       "Hey baby girl,wanna come over to my house for some drinks?" The college student asked.
        "O-Okay." I,the fifteen year old stuttered.
         "Make sure to wear something nice." He said,winking and walked away.
Flashback end

           "I'm no more." Was the last thought that raced through my head,sending shivers down my starved,scarred body.

         I raided my Mom's closet,exited to finally be invited to something. I decided on a sleeveless black dress, that went to my mid-thighs, and barely showed cleavage.
         He invited me in,as soon as I got to his house. I kept noticing him staring at my cleavage, my legs,my ass. Everything but my face.
         After a few drinks, I decided it was time to leave. He was clearly intoxicated.
          He pushed me against the wall, pinning my hands above me,and began to kiss me. I tried to get away.
        He let my hands go,and reached into his closet,pulling out a box. He grabbed handcuffs,and put them around my hands.
         He began to roughly tug on my dress,lowering it down. I tried to scream.
        "If you scream, bitch,you won't leave." He threatened. He slid my dress down,and reached behind me,unhooking my bra."

Flashback end

       That was the night my innocence was stolen. That was the night I lost the will to live.

        "_________,you are pronounced innocent against accused charges of rape."the judge said. Tears streamed down my face,as he smiled, his gaze filled with lust as he looked at me

Flashback end

        I opened my eyes. I was laying on a white bed, in a sickly blue room,with duck-curtained windows. I was hooked up to multiple machines........I had lived......I was at a hospital.
         For a minute, I actually felt fine. For a minute I was glad that I had lived. But,I looked down at my bony,scarred,pale arms. I opened my mouth and began to scream,struggling at the machines.


        Quick footsteps. I heard the door slam open,and a few white-coated monsters came rushing in. They held my arms down,and one jabbed a needle into me. I slid into the blackness gladly.

          The dreams that followed weren't dreams. They were nightmares so terrifying and incomprehensible. I would wake up with a cold sweat,right into another one.
          I felt hands shake me awake. I opened my eyes to see a white clad monster. He smiled a beautiful smile.
        "Good,you're awake,Miss....?" He said,running fingers through his messy blonde hair.
        "Victoria Skye. You can call me Vic,though. Everyone does." I replied.
         "Do you have any idea why you're here?" He asked,frowning. I sat in silence, not replying.
         "You attempted to commit suicide. We were lucky your neighbor heard a noise, and came to check on it,finding you." He said.
         "So lucky." I thought, grimacing. I sat up,pain spiking throughout my arms.
         "While you recover,we are requiring you to go to our newest aspect of this hospital, a support group." He smiled.
          "Ok...." I said,sighing. There was never any use arguing with these idiotic bastards of people.
         "The first meeting is tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. You should be there." I nodded in response. No matter how much I didn't want to go,I had to do what the monsters told me.
          At 9:30 a.m.,I sat up after a long,sleepless night,filled with silent tears,and realistic nightmares. I took a brush though my crazy green hair,and threw on the change of clothes the monsters had brought,cringing because it showed my scarred arms and legs.
        I walked down the carpeted hallway,barefoot,and down the fluffy, but probably dirty stairs. The tile under them was cold,but not unpleasant. I walked down the hallway till I saw the open door. 'Support group meets here' the sign by it said. I sighed,and walked into the room.
        There was a variety of people in the room. The shaking Middle Eastern boy,the stick-thin Asian kid,the twitching ginger,the girl with both her legs in casts,the burn victim, the tall girl with scars around her mouth,the normal-looking boy,an empty chair,another empty chair,and a clearly blind boy.
      I sat down between the normal-looking boy and the empty chair. He smiled at me, then turned around to face the tall,red-headed woman,who had begun to call roll.
        "Ajeeb Sakhalin?"
        "Here." the Middle Eastern boy trembled.
         "Blare Whittington?"
         "Here." The girl with both legs casted responded.
      Just then,another person walked in. He had Brown hair,gages,
And a few tattoos on his arms. He looked around the room,gaze stopping at me. I looked into his eyes.
     He stared back at me with wide,empty,lifeless eyes;the eyes of a rotting corpse.
     "Hi." He said,sliding into the seat right next to me.
      "Hello." I responded. I noticed his gaze traveling up my arms.       Strangely,I wasn't uncomfortable. His eyes weren't filled with hunger,they were filled with care."I'm Vic Skye."
        "Ryan. Ryan Harrington." He responded, smiling a comfortable smile at me.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2016 ⏰

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