Chapter 2: Tension, Heartache, & Headaches

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Chapter 2: Tension, Heartache, and Headaches

I stepped across the warm sand as if I was walking on clouds. The sound of waves breaking bellowed in my left ear as Caribbean music played in my right. The warm sunlight from the fiery, orange sunset laid gently against my moist, brown skin. As I followed the track of silky rose pedals that tickled my feet, I saw a perfect man in the distance standing in front of a candle lit dinner table in the sand. His hands were clasped together in front of him and he was looking in awe at me. My heart raced faster and faster as I got closer to reaching him. The warm breeze sent chills down my spine and gave me goose bumps. As I we stood in front of each other eye to eye now, my king cupped my chin and kissed me oh so delicately. His kiss sent a heat wave down my chest, down too my stomach, and down to my womb making my legs weak. He held both of my hands and started to speak.

"April, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. You never fail to amaze me. You're the love of my life, my best friend, my back bone, my angel, my support system, and my everything. You brought me back to life after many months of feeling dead. You bring out a man in me that I didn't know I could be. You make me so unbelievably happy, happier than I've ever been. You are the biggest blessing that God has given me and I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world. I never loved anyone like I love you. I don't want to ever lose you because you're a part of me and if I ever lost you, a part of me would be missing. April, I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I wouldn't want it any other way."

My king got down on one knee and grabbed my hand. He pulled out a beautiful 15 karat diamond ring. He looked up at me with that angelic smile and laughed at me because he saw tears streaming down my face.

"Will you spend the rest of your life with me?" said D.J.

"Yes! Of course I will." D.J slid the ring on her finger, got up, and kissed her passionately. He suddenly picked her and started running towards the water laughing.

"Noo! D.J what are you doing?! Noooo! Hahaha put me down!" The first splash of water hit her back and she screamed.

"AAH!" April sat up in her bed with her hand over her mouth. She looked over at her clock that read "9:16 am". She got up and threw her silk robe on and headed downstairs to brew some coffee.

As she put on some water to boil, D.J came downstairs, freshly showered, in a gray suit, ready for work. April looked in the living from the corner of her eye to look at him. He didn't even acknowledge her presence. She made the two cups of coffee and walked into the living room with it. She stood at the side of the couch where he was sitting and lowered the coffee on the corner table beside him. He looked up at her in confusion. Since he wouldn't say anything, she broke the silence.

"Good morning babe..." she said hesitantly.

"Good morning" said D.J in a cold manner.

"I made you coffee."

"Thanks...I gotta get going. I'm going to be late." He squeezed passed her without a goodbye kiss and headed out the door.


April needed advice because she did not know what else to do make things better between them two. Her dad was in town so she decided to stop by his office.

"Hey dad!" said April as she reached out for a hug.

"Hi April! There's my little girl." Said Dr. Palmer

"Yeah dad..."

"Uh uh what's wrong? Why the sad face? Oh no don't tell me it's that jerk that you head over heels for."

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