School Bully

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Everyone obeyed Goldie and his Phantom Gang. In the halls, outside, wherever Goldie went, crowds parted to let him through. Well, not everyone did what he told them to do......

In most classes Goldie sat next to three annoyingly loyal friends called Wolfie, Flash and Mist. They were always doing their work, and to make it worse they were GOOD at it too.

Wolfie was the drama fanatic. Acting was her best lesson; she was always top in every performance the class did.
Flash was the runner. He was constantly winning races, and climbing brick walls, yet he didn't even BRAG.
Worst of all was Mist. She was the tall, fun-loving crazy one of the lot, always drawing, or changing into random animals for simple tasks. It didn't help she was part Slender, but that was besides the point.

That trio had so many SECRETS. For instance, why did Wolfie get locked in Parts and Services a scheduled once every month? Why did Flash always have that bandage on his right leg? And WHAT ON EARTH was hiding under Mist's mask?

Then of course there was the Phantoms. They were tough, brave and all of them had telekinesis. THEY were the sort of people Goldie considered good friends.

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