Jack and Frankie

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"Oh so you're the mother. Word of warning, you need to put this one on a leash." Said Frankie, glaring at Ziggy.

"Why, what's he done?"

"He tried it on with me!"

"Huh, in your dreams love!"

"Quite the opposite."

"Anyway, I need a drink, I've had a long day. Can we have a bottle of champagne please?"

Frankie slammed the bottle down and snatched Sandy's money.

"Brilliant customer service! Vicky, what drink do you want love?" Said Sandy.

"Champagne, same as you lot!"

"Vicky, you're a bit young for champagne."

"Mum, I'm fifteen! Please?"

"Oh go on then, just the one."

They all went and sat at a table.

"So how are the boys?" Asked Freddie.

"They're coming home in the morning. Do you know, I can't believe what a bad start we've had! It's our first day here!"

"Don't worry Mum, I'm sure it won't all be this bad." Said Vicky.

"She's right Mum, it'll be fine." Said Ziggy.

Jack walked past the table. Sandy froze in shock.

"That can't be who I think it is."

She got up and walked over to him. She was filled with dread when she knew it was definitely Jack.

"Jack Osborne. Long time no see."

Jack turned round.

"Not long enough, Sandra." He glared.

"Mum what is it, who is he?"

Vicky, Freddie and Ziggy came up to them.

"N-nothing for you to worry about. Go and finish your drinks and wait for me at the table. Go on, I won't be long."

They nodded and did as she said.

"So how's Darren?"

"Darren is absolutely fine. He is perfectly happy and he does not need you to spoil things for him."

"Jack, he's my son! He needs to know who his real Mum is."

"Well maybe he would if you hadn't walked out on us. Now if you'll excuse me, I have customers."

"Jack please!"

"Look Sandy, Darren has always had me and Frankie. He's never needed another parent."

"Frankie? That snotty bird? She's raised my son?"

"Yes, that's right. And she's done a better job than you, so run along!"

"This is not over!"

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