To Bullied to Alone to Suicide To Bullied to Alone, Now Gone

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Dear Diary,

School is now invested with knives that are stabbing me. Not to physical; but mental. I don't what it's to be with a normal life. People say "DROP COLD ON THE GROUND, UGLY," "I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU ARE STILL HERE, KILL YOURSELF, KYLIS." I am blinded by hatred and ugly from other people. So strong that it's holding me down. My mom and dad are going to bed soon. Mom, dad, if you read this, I love you but you put me out of place when I got hit again. Everyone hates me. They want me to be drop dead. My breathing is slowing down. My heart is breaking. Soon, it'll no longer beat. My friends, left me to cruel. Bullies, took what they got from me even though I had nothing. When I die, everyone will be happy once again. Sorry, mom and dad. The thing has to dead. I will leave a goodbye note that will be final. I'll sleep permanently and vanish to the other side. Goodbye, love you.

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