Chapter 13

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(Pans Pov)
When Belle took me to the park she likes, she ran off to the play ground while I sat down on the bench. I watched Belle run around and play on the playground once in a while she would looked over at me.

As I sat there another kid came by and his mother too, she walked over to me and smiled at me "is it ok if I sit here?" "Yeah go ahead since there is only one bench" she chuckled and sat down next to me I slid over a little so she had lots of space " I'm Linda" "I'm Peter, nice to meet you" I say as I held my hand out to shake her hand.

After she shook my hand she looked out to the playground to keep an eye on her son and I did the same to check on Belle "is she your daughter?" "Yeah is that your son?" I chuckle a little "yeah" she chuckles a little too "you come here a lot" I asked "yeah, I'm guessing you don't" she chuckles I chuckled too "no first time, I've been away for a little while" "oh I see, as I can tell by the ring on your finger your married" she chuckled and looked over at me.

I looked down at my ring and back up at her "yeah" I chuckled "are you?" "No, I'm a single mother" "oh that must be tough" "yeah it is at times.... Where is your wife if I may ask?" "She had to work sadly" "oh that must does suck" "yeah but I get to spend the day with my daughter" "awe" "yeah" I chuckled. Belle came running over smiling at me "daddy can we go home to get ice cream?" I chuckled and smiled at her "sure honey" I said to Belle as I stood up "it was nice meeting you Linda" "yeah you too, have fun eating ice cream" she chuckled I chuckled back and nodded.

As me and Belle walked away before we went on the side walk near other people I looked down at her "you want to go to NeverLand and see the boys? They miss you" I chuckle she smiled "yes!" I chuckled and nodded, we still walked back to the house but once we got to the house I flew me and Belle to NeverLand to see the boys......

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