Untitled Rumbelle Drabble

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Alright, so basically, this is my take on when Belle lost her memories AND if you have title ideas for this short fic, please comment here!
(word count: 358)
Rumple gently nudged the door with his foot. He took a small step inside, carefully shutting the door behind him. From a distance he was still able to recognize Belle. Her brown curls splayed around the pillow. Gods, she was beautiful even when she was sleeping. The soft tap of his shoes followed each step he took towards the hospital bed.

He took the time to watch as her chest rose and fell with each breath, and he raised a finger to her cheek to brush the hair from her blue eyes. "Belle..." His whisper floated down to her ears, and his lips trembled.

Seeing how beautiful she was reminded him of just how much he loved her. Knowing that she'll never love him the way she loved him before, shattered his heart. He missed the way she'd fall asleep in his arms when they were alone. He missed the way their lips would meld together, like the perfect puzzle pieces; and how her arms would brush through his hair, nails lightly dragging against his scalp. He missed those kisses when they had to stop and break apart just because they couldn't help but smile. Rumple missed his Belle.

With all the courage left in him, he bent down until his lips brushed against hers. Oh, the things he would do to hold her again. Beneath his lips, he could feel hers begin to move, forming a small smile; and his heart almost leaped out of his chest. True love's kiss and a little bit of courage; that was all he needed to bring her back. He brought his hand over the bed to gently caress her cheek when he felt her hands forcefully push him away.

She screamed at him, eyes wild and dark. He felt a cold wave of terror wash over him; ice froze his veins, and his heart was ripped apart. "Belle, I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry." He backed away from her, as multiple nurses filled the room. He watched the nurses hold her down, and sedate her with syringe. "I'm so sorry Belle..."

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