Chapter 1

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~The pic above is of Anne Winters, aka Paris Rose~

I stared aimlessly at the TV screen as I let my thoughts wander.

The channel lingered on some old show in black and white, but my attention had left the screen hours ago.

How do you spend your last summer night?

Then an idea hits.

"BELLA!" I scream, waving my arms wildly to match my excitement.

"Jesus woman, im right here." She snaps back, narrowly dodging a knockout blow from from the remote control still resting in my hand.


It's a mystery I haven't accidentally murdered her yet. Actually, it's a mystery I'm still alive too.

Lost in my thoughts, I quickly forgot what I was going to tell Bells in the first place. Defeated, I slouched in an exaggerated fashion on the couch, forcing her to give me the attention I wanted.

I received a complete eye roll from her in response.

Attention enough for me.

I smiled brightly and sent her a wink. I got a snort back. Attractive.

A small ding from my phone had me bolting upright to see who texted. Quickly tapping in the passcode, I skimmed over the message.

Threre is pizza over here if you girls are hungry ~ Bella's Dad

In seconds I was off the couch and moving toward the back door.

From the corner of my eye I caught Bella lifting her own body from the couch to come follow me, most likely getting the same text as me.

We laughed softly at the story Bell's dad spouted about his trip to the forest earlier in the day. When the laughter died down, he quickly changed the subject.

"So I noticed that your family's car isnt in the driveway. Where have your parents gone this time?" He asked.

The atmosphere quickly tensed.

Attempting to disregard the tense atmosphere, I simply shrugged in response. I wasn't lying. Honestly I didn't know where my family was. They just walked out and told me not to mess anything up.

But thinking about where they could be without me was the last thing I really wanted to do.

To think about how I wasn't really part of their perfect family.

To think about how I didn't fit in.

To think about how they left me as much as they possibly could.

I was really starting to regret coming over.

Her dad didn't take it personal when I avoided his question and then turned to his daughter.

"What are you guys planning on doing for the rest of the night?" He asked her with genuine curiosity. Even though it was directed toward her, I decided to answer him before she could say we had no plans.


"We are probably going to head out to the park later." I blurt quickly and avert my gaze back down to the table, attempting to avoid his analyzing eyes. I caught her dad's frown from the corner of my eyes, but Bells didn't seem to notice.

"Why was I not aware of this?" Bella asks with annoyance as a small glare was sent my way. I just shrugged in response and took a bite out of my pizza to stop the flow of unwanted questions. I could feel her father's eyes drilling holes into the side of my head, but I ignored it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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