Chapter 26- New Base (Announcement)

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I fixed it!!!!! Hahahahaha! Yes! Finally! Victory! Success! Murica, fuck yeah! I finally fixed chapter 23! It will no longer glitch (hopefully)! Thanks for reading and I hope ye enjoy!

Craig's/Mini's POV

"Wake the fuck up! What the hell are you guys doing out here! There's no doctors, what happens if you two fuck wods get pneumonia out here! Get the fuck in here!" A familiar voice complained. Dammit Delirious. "Go the fuck away..." Tyler groaned. "Not until you get in this fucking house!" Jon ordered. Since I didn't want to get up I decided to pretend to still be sleeping. I don't want to move. I'm still tired from not being able to sleep last night. "Shut the fuck up, Jonathan! You're gonna wake Mini!" Tyler whispered/yelled. Jonathan chuckled. "Well he needs to wake up so he can walk in." He stated quietly. "No. We aren't waking him up." Tyler argued. Once Tyler said that I felt something grab me. Aww, Tyler would rather carry me in the house than wake me up! That's so sweet! He picked me up bridal style as Jonathan giggled. "You two are so cute..." He said. Tyler chuckled. "Yeah... Now get your ass back down there so you can open the door for us." Tyler demanded. Jon giggled again as u heard his footsteps trample down the fire escape. I felt Tyler's smile on me. It took everything I had not to smile back or let out a small laugh. I felt the cold breeze as Tyler walked down the several sets of stairs. The temperature immediately changed from freezing cold to nice and warm as we entered the shop.  "Awww, look at that. Tyler is carrying Craig! That's so adorable!" Evan stated. "Shut up!" Tyler growled. With that, Tyler carefully placed me on the couch. "Wouldn't it have been easier to just wake him up and have him walk down here himself?" Arlan questioned. "Yeah, but he's too cute and peaceful when he's sleeping, and besides... I like watching him sleep and I want to watch every chance I get." Tyler stated as if it were obvious. I couldn't handle it anymore. I smiled and let out a silent laugh. Tyler didn't notice, but Lui did. I listened as Lui began cackling. "Shut up, Lui! You're gonna wake him up!" Tyler whispered/shouted. "Yeah Lui, shut up before you wake me up." I said with a giggle. I opened my eyes to see a pissed off Tyler. "Dammit guys!" He exclaimed. "Haha, gotcha bitch! I was awake the whole time, fucker!" I yelled proudly as I sat up. At this point all of the guys were laughing other than Tyler. "Wait, what?!" He screeched in surprise. "Yep, I even got a free ride down here!" I said cockily. "S-So you heard everything?!" He stuttered. "Ever since Jonny Boy woke us up." I informed. Tyler blushed and face palmed. I cracked a smile. While the guys were preoccupied  I walked over to Lui. "So do we tell them now?" I whispered in his ear. He looked over to me and nodded. "Okay guys, it's time to get serious," Lui said in his Squeaker voice, "me and Mini have an announcement to make!" All eyes were on us now. They all still had goofy smiles on their faces, but their attention was on us. "Me and Craig  know a place to make a new base and it is filled from shelf to shelf with weapons., so we don't have to break our backs trying to carry Arlans military stuff. All we'll need to bring is some food, water, and alcohol." Lui explained. "Why alcohol?" Marcel asked. "In case one of us get injured cough cough Craig cough cough." Brock pointed out. The memories of the family hit me like a train. The locket... The father... The mother... Cheyenne... Depression suddenly took me over, but I hid the evidence. "Hey, fuck you! I can't help I almost got crushed by a huge ass fucking building! I'm lucky it only got my leg!" I cursed playfully. All the guys laughed but Tyler. Tyler gave me a sad and apologetic look. Is he okay? Why does he look hurt? Ugh, I'll ask him once I get some alone time with him. 

   ~~~~~~~~ Time skip to the gun shop brought to you by Sparky (Mini's Dog)~~~~~~~~~

"So this is where you two met each other?" Brian questioned. "Sorta, we were best friends when we were kids, but this is where we found each other." I stated as we walked into the 'Employees Only' area. "Alright Kiddies! Time to pick our rooms!"  Brock exclaimed with a childish grin. Ever since we found Brian he's been a lot nicer and a LOT more happy. I really glad we found him cause if we didn't... He would be a complete dick right now. We all spread apart to find our rooms. Of course we all were sleeping with our boyfriends with an exception of Marcel and Arlan. Although there are plenty more rooms, Arlan supposedly wants to sleep in the same room as Marcel because everyone else has a bed buddy. The guys seem to buy it, but I however do not. I believe Arlan and Marcel have a thing for each other whether they know it or not. I'm planning on setting up a trap for them, kinda like the one we did with Nogla and the Squeaker. I'm gonna need help from the guys though. I don't know how to set the trap up so I'm gonna need plenty of help on this. We all separated and entered our rooms from carrying all of the shit from Arlan's place to here in the cold without any breaks. Me and Tyler got the meeting room as our bedroom so we decided to make ourselves a pallet on the floor to sleep on. Now's my chance. "Hey Craig?" Tyler questioned. Dammit, I guess I'll wait for Tyler to tell me whatever he wants to tell me. "Yeah, babe?" I asked. "Are you okay? I know you had something with that family in that locket. You looked sad whenever Brock mentioned your leg and all I could think of was that necklace you almost died for."  He stated. I stared at him in shock. How the actual fuck did know that I was upset?! I didn't answer... All I did was a simple nod. Tyler stopped what he was doing and brought me into a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder. Why did she have to die? Why couldn't I have arrived sooner. If I didn't get so caught up in what I was doing I would've saved them the day I escaped. It's all my fault. I clenched Tyler's shirt and cried. "That doesn't seem too convincing..." He said as he hugged me tighter. I nuzzled into his chest as I sobbed. "We're gonna get them back. I promise." Tyler assured me.  I nodded while trying to make the tears stop streaming down my face. The longer we stood there in each other's embrace the less tears came down. Tyler kissed the top of my head and placed his chin where he kissed me. "I love you, Craig." "I love you too"

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