Visions of Demons Dance In My Head

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I curled up on the window seat, watching the snow fall. It was a week and a half before what will be our first Christmas at our new house, and this was the first time it had snowed all winter. It had been plenty cold, let me assure you, but the snow had decided to wait, I guess. I sighed, if I was going to have to sit awake all night, I was going to need to do something to keep my mind occupied. I decided on listing the things I liked about my new home, to lift my spirits a little. "The backyard is pretty big...", I quietly spoke. "And.... My room is nice." I looked at the room around me, noting the new pink heart covers on my bed, the table I had been using as a desk, and the mirror against the wall. I had even pinned up a collection of doodles, pictures, and quotes I liked on the wall nearest my bed, to make the room seem a little more like it was mine. "Let's see, what else do I like here?" I mumbled. I looked outside again, towards the patch of the yard that my mother had planned on making into a garden when it warmed up again. Yep, the garden was probably going to be something I'd like about living here. And..... Oh, right! I had liked that there was a forest preserve that backed up to the edge of our yard, that might be fun to explore someday soon. I sat looking at the trees, feeling uneasy, but trying to dismiss it as just being tired. The feeling increased as I continued to look out that window at the forest. I quickly turned away, it was beginning to frighten me. But before my eyes left the window, I distinctly saw a shadow in that forest that most definitely was not a tree. The shadow of something I'd only ever seen in my nightmares. I scrambled back into my bed, not even bothering to try to be quiet this time. I pulled those pink covers as tightly around me as I could, a prickle going down my spine. It was going to be a very long night.

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