A New Friend

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Annabeth's POV

I looked up and saw... Percy Jackson?! Well, that was unexpected. He sat down and said," Mind if I sit here?"

"Sure, I guess. No harm in that." I replied. Then we just sat there eating silently. Until he broke the ice.

"So what's your deal?" he asked.

"What do you mean, 'my deal'?" I counter asked.

"You know, your story, your hopes, your dreams." he said while having a dreamy face on. I chuckled at his antics.

"Well whaddya wanna know, oh so famous Percy Jackson?" I asked. This time he chuckled at me.

"I wouldn't say famous-" then I cut him off there.

"Actually you are the gossip of the school, not to mention the new heartthrob of Goode high." I informed him. Then I realised,' I am sitting with the heartthrob of the school. Alone. Together. Uh-oh i looked around and saw people whispering and glaring at me especially Melanie and her minions. While I was doing this, Percy looked at me, confused. And he looked cute with his scrunched up - WAIT NO WHAT AM I THINKING?! Ugh nevermind i gotta focus.

"Umm Percy maybe you shouldn't be sitting with me." I said nervously. Seeing this Percy got worried which obviously surprised me.

"What do you mean, why?" he asked. I sighed and tild him to look around. He did and saw what I saw. His eyes widened in realization.

"Wait why are they staring at us?" he asked. When he said this I declared that he was oblivious.

"People are looking at us because the school's heartthrob is sitting with the school's very own nerd." I explained slowly to him.

"Ohhh who's the school's nerd?" he asked with a look of confusion. I face palmed at this and pointed at myself.

"Ohhh. Well what's so bad about that?" he asked.

"Well popular people aren't supposed to hang out with the unpopular ones." I explained.

"But why?" he asked. Again.

"That's just how things work around here." I said while standing up. I was stopped by a hand that held my arm. I knew right then that it was Percy's beacuse I could smell the ocean.

"Annabeth, I don't care about what other people think. So would you please sit down and eat with me?" he said whil pulling me down to the seat. I sighed and sat down with him and got to know him a little better. Even though people were staring, it felt as if we were the only two people here. And i liked that.

But something had to ruin our paradise. The bell. Signalling for the next subject. I asked Percy if ai could see his schedule, he handed it to me and I compared it to mine and we saw that we practically the same schedule except our electives.

"So, on our way to gym class then?" he said in a british accent while holding out his arm. I chuckled and decided to play along with it.

"Very well then, let's go!" I said playing along with him even though people looked at us like we were crazy.


Sorry I had to leave it there guys it got too long with the other part. So don't forget to leave a comment for requests and stuff.

All rights belong to Rick Riordan except the plot line.

Until next time guys byeeee

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