Sing to max

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Max was always around me she loved me she loved for me to tell her about my favorite things.
"Hey want to hear a song."
Yes can you sing to me.
I sang the glory of love. She liked it that's when someone came to the door. It was sister Abigail.
"Hey Esther can I come in?"
Mom came and said hi sister wanted to talk to them alone. I went up stairs to color with Max and I could here my dad yelling at sister.
"Hey don't come back!"
After we didn't see dad for a while then he came back.
"Hey dad."
"Hey Esther."
He had red stuff that looked like blood.
"Are you okay daddy?"
"Yes I fell."
He looked at me like don't tell. At the park I saw a girl that was picking on me.
"Do you want to play with me?"
"Yeah sorry for what I said yesterday."
We went to the slide and she fell I tried to catch her the we both fell she broke her leg and I broke my arm.
"Daddy daddy!" Me and her both cried.
My dad came and told me and her to the hospital. She got churches and I got a brace. We could not go to school for three days. Mommy said I did the right thing trying to help her even when she was mean. Her dad said thank you for trying to help her

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