Make America Great Again...

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Take a minute to look at the statement above. This was sent in by one of my followers who had commented on a news article. I get these regularly from my fans and each time I seem to be more impressed by the utter lack of intellect and perpetual nonsense these people keep spewing.

When we go to kindergarten (vpk, nursery, montessori, etc.), we are told time and time again that our peers are different from us and that doesn't make them weird. It in turn makes them unique and beautiful as individuals. We are taught to respect these differences and embrace our individuality.

One of my friends was born and raised in the southern states in the US. As some of you may have heard, there is a rising trend if Islamophobia emerging from these parts. I was surprised to hear her say that these very people that can't stand her religion or her religious attire were not like that pre-9/11.

With the upcoming election in the US and the growing amount of reported Islamophobia in the media, one has to wonder who is teaching our children? Are these teachers grasping bigoted and biased views in a country that once was touted as a cultural melting pot? What if the kindergarten teacher has Islamophobia views and in turn mistreat your child? What if she teaches that child that their Muslim identity is something to be feared, hidden, or ridiculed?

These are very troubling times for the fledgling Muslim youth of America. Many of those that are Muslim children are barely first or second generation American yet they are facing a trend hoping to ostracize them in the only country they have ever called home.

A prominent Republican candidate for the presidential election is Donald Trump. This man has neither served office nor enlisted in the military at any point of his life. He has never sacrificed so much as a tear for the nation he wishes to lead, so why is he so appealing?

Donald Trump has asserted that he will take care of "the Muslim problem" and his political zombies have put their life and soul into an anti-Islam stance. This has allowed deranged and dangerous xenophobes to openly declare their hatred for Muslims under the pretense of "Making America great again."

America is already wondrously great. It's absolutely terrifying that a silent minority has now hijacked the presidential race with an outright un-American stance of xenophobia and bigotry.

American Islamophobia: A Look Into the World of Hate (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now