Chapter 2.. Seeing Luke.

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A/N..Hey guys if you are reading my story I'm sorry for the delay been really busy with my end of year exams and everything.

I woke up to the sun coming through lucys curtains. I sat up and stretched out for my phone to see that I have 6 messages and 3 missed calls from my mum dad and Luke? I ignored my mum and dads messages for now and read lukes.

Luke" Hey Megzie, erm you know we were ment to be meeting today well it can only be for about an hour as our flight leaves at 3pm and we need to get everything packed and get the hotel room back to the way it was before we came. I kinda trashed it lol. See you later xxxx"

After reading the message I was kind if disappointed that I would only be spending an hour with him but I'm not complaining. I mean I'm spending a whole hour with Luke.

I got up lucy was still asleep holding her phone. I guess she was up all night texting Beau. I headed up to the bathroom for a quick shower. I got out abd quickly blow dried before waking lucy to tell her I'd see her later.

As I was running back down to lucy the door bell went I quickly woke lucy up telling her.

"Lucy someone is at the door" she slowly opened her eyes and stretched "what time is it" I looked at the time on my phone " 11:45" her eyes widend "shit, its Beau he said he would pick me up this morning at 11:40" she started rushing around trying to look like she hadn't just woken up but it didn't work. I couldn't help but laugh at the way she was acting. "Should I answer the door then?" I said as she ran upstairs to the bathroom "yeah just tell him um doing my hair" I laughed and headed to the door as I opened it I got a shock. There stood Beau and Luke. Oh my.

"Hey Megzie" Luke said as he pulled me in to a hug. "Erm hey what are you doing here?" "Lucy said it would be alright if I stopped over" Beau replied. "Oh yeah she said something about you coming over but she didn't say anything about Luke though" "well..that's because I kinda wasn't invited I just tagged along when Beau said he was meeting Lucy" Luke said blushing.

Just as I was about to show the boys in lucy came running down the stairs to the door in a pair of high waist shorts and our matching Janoskians t-shirts that we bough yesterday. "Cute" Beau said when he saw her which immediately caused her cheeks to flush a deep red colour. " Thanks. Shall we get going?" She asked. "Go where?" I asked. "All of us just go somewhere like the beach or summing" "Okay but I need to go home first to change" I started heading down the road when luke grabbed me by the waist and said " don't leave me with the love birds. Anyway you look gorgeous." I looked down at what I was wearing shorts and my Janoskians jumper. I giggled " Thanks and why would I leave you with the love birds? Do you think I'm that mean?" He smiled and we continued walking with Beau and Lucy.

We were walking for 5 minutes when Beau headed to the beach across from us. Beau and Lucy had a race to see who would get to the beach first. Beau was running and not looking forward and ran straight in to the wall behind the beach. Luke, Lucy and I all burst in to laughter "dam it that would have been something good to put on YouTube and make a keek." Luke said through laughter. Beau got up and rubbed his knee. "It's not funny guys that actually hurt." Beau said trying not to laugh. "I'm sorry Beau" Lucy said and gave him a hug. He immediately started smiling. "Don't worry babe I forgive you. But you two" he said pointing towards me and Luke who were still laughing "wait till we get back to the hotel Luke you are so dead." Luke stopped laughing and whispered to me " I don't want to go back to the hotel" I looked up to him and smiled.

The four of us sat on the beach for about an hour when my phone started ringing. Shit my mum. "Hey mum" I said sitting up. "Where the hell are you young lady you were ment to be home half an hour ago?" She didn't sound angry though she sounded upset and worried. " what's the matter mum?" "Just get home quickly and I'll tell you." "Okay bye" and I put the phone down. "Hey guys. I'm sorry I have to cut this short but I need to go home now, something is up with my mum" I said giving them all a sympathetic look "it's okay me and Luke needed to head back anyway, right luke?" I looked over to luke who was laying next to me but he didn't say anything just nodded.

We got up and started heading back to lucys "text me later whats up babe. Yeah?" Lucy said while giving me a hug "yeah I will "

Walking down lucys road was awkward no one spoke. As we got to my road I started walking up it leave the boys behind to continue back to the hotel. Just as I got to my door Luke grabbed my hand. "Megzie, look I know I'm leaving tomorrow but I just want you to know that I'm glad that I have had the pleasure of meeting you and I don't want this to be the end of our friendship." I smiled at the words he said "me either but I wont be able to meet up with you because we are on opposite sides of the world" He nodded "we'll skype and things yeah?" "Yeah sure" "great well I have to go back to the hotel now see you later" I gave him a hug and walked in my house.

As I walked in I saw my mum and dad sitting at the dining table. My mums eyes were red and puffy I could tell she had been crying. "Mum what's the matter?" "Darling I need to tell you something. Come here" I headed to my mum and sat down. "You know your nan moved to Australia? Well she wants you to go live over there with her." Whats the problem with that I mean I haven't seen my nan in 4 years "why?" "She hasn't seen you in over 4 years and wants to see you" "are you coming?" My mum looked down "No, she didn't even speak to me on the phone she spoke to your father. She hasn't spoken to me since...." I knew the reason my nan refused to speak to her. My mum got really drunk one night and drove home. She ended up hitting and killing a cyclists. "Who will I be going with?" My mum looked back up "well thats the thing. We were hoping you would be coming back with Lucy because she wants both of you over there."

Me and lucy in Australia with my nan.. wow.. I left the table and ran upstairs. I got out my phone and texted Lucy.

Megzie "My nan wants me to move to Australia."

She replied with in seconds.

Lucy " oh. That means I wont see you again :'("

Megzie " that's where your wrong. My nan wants both of us to go"

Lucy"Omg yes.yes.yes."

I laughed and opened my laptop and opened twitter. My mentions had gone wild I had gained loads of followers. What? As I was looking through my followers list I saw a follower I never thought I'd see

"Luke Brooks follows you"

I quickly put up a tweet before going to bed.

"Moving to Australia with my Bestfriend. Cant wait" I had gotten so many favourites and retweets just after tweeting it.

I shut my laptop off and got in to bed. My phone lit up and saw that Luke tweeted something.

"Can't wait to get back to Australia now I know you will be there" I smiled when I read that tweet and fell asleep with a smile on my face thinking about everything that happend today. Most importantly the fact I was finally going to Australia.

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