*Lay Dieing*

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I never would have thought this would be the way that my life would end. Hell, I never expected that it would end this soon. At the age of seventeen. Okay, so I lived in a crazy world but nothing's perfect. I lived everyday like it was my last because how I grew up...everyday COULD be your last.

So, here I am laying in a pool of my own blood...bleeding to death.

*She sighs*

Looks like it's the end for me. It's time for me to go and be with my family...finally. I guess that's one of the pros of dying now. I no longer have to be without my family that was TAKEN from me so long ago. I can finally be reunited with them.

Mom, Dad, Jake...I love you and I've missed you all so much but I won't have to anymore. I will be seeing you soon. We can all FINALLY be a family again. Everything will be as it use to...Everything will be as it should.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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