39th Imagine...

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First Date

Ray P.O.V

I walked into the living room where the guys were sitting watching T.V. I had asked them to come over and let me know how I looked for my date with Y/N.  I came in with a spin and struck a stupid pose.

"Please don't pose like that ever again" laughed Prodigy as he threw some popcorn into his mouth.

"Ok I won't but tell me how I look..I need to make sure I'm nice and all that other mess" I said fixing my tie up some.

"You look fine Ray" Prince told me. I smiled and my confidence went sky high. "But aren't you nervous?" Prince continued with a frown.

"No! Why would I be nervous?" I laughed turning to look in a mirror close by the wall.

"Wasn't Y/N you're friend since you guys were little kids?" Prince asked.

"Yessss" I dragged on, confused. "Why would that make me nervous?"

"I'm with Prince, bro. Like what if you do something that amkes her angry and you guys ruin your relationship as a couple and friends?" Roc said drincking his soda. I opened my mouth to reply but nothing came out. My eye started to twitch as my mouth stayed open.

"Why would you guys say that? Now he's freaked out!" Prodigy exclaimed as he looked at the guys angry. He turned towards me and smiled.

"Ray everything is going to be fine! I'm pretty sure you won't mess anything up" he said trying to make me feel better. It didn't work.

"I..I don't know what I'm going to say anymore! I need something to say!" I shouted.

"Flashcards!" Prince shouted with a smile on his face. "We'll write down things you could say back to her when she talks" he continued pulling a pen out of his pocket.

"That's stupid" Roc and Prodigy said in unison.

It may have sounded stupid, but it may just work.

- - -

I looked over the cards as I parked outside of Y/N house. I think this may just work.

I stuck the rest of the cards in my back pocket and climb out of the car to greet Y/N. I run the doorbell and waited for her.

"Hey Ray" she smiled as she opened the door with a smile.

"H-H-H-Hiiii" I stuttered. Y/N looked me up and down the laughed. She reached to grab my hand and hold it. I pulled back and did a slight laugh.

"Umm sweaty?" I told her but it came out as a question. She widened her eyes and mouth "wow". She closed the door behind her, locked it and strutted off to the car.

Gee, I'm already messing up. Hopefully this card will help me.

- - -

We pulled up to the restaurant and I stopped the car. I looked over at Y/N and she looked back at me with a slight smile on her face. So we star there quiet looking around and nodding.

"Nice plant" I laughed pointing at it.

"Suuuurrreeee is Ray" she said like she was annoyed.

My eyes widened and I got out the car and walked around to Y/N side and opened the door for her. I held my hand out and she grabbed it with a chuckle as I pulled her out the car.

"Why thank you, Ray" she grinned at me. I nodded and let out a nervous laugh. I closed her door back and held her by her waist as we started walking into the restaurant. As we walked a bunch of people came out.

Y/N and I got bumped around as they came marching out. I heard my phone hit the ground and I let out a groan.

"Y/N could you go find a table for us, I dropped my phone" I said getting low looking for it.


I smiled and looked aroud then saw it not to far away from me. I should be lucky it didn't fall in the puddle next to it. As I grabbed my phone I took a second look and saw that my flashcards had also fell out..in the puddle.

My mouth dropped open as I pulled them out. The ink started to drip down from it. My eye twitched again as I gather all of my wet not cards up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Wet or not I was still going to try to read off them.

I walked back into the restaurant and saw Y/N waiting for me. I smiled and walked over to here.

"You're phone good?" she asked.

I looked at her and quicky nodded then adding a "Mhm".

I pulled out one of my note cards and saw it all smudged around.

"Y-y-yoou lo..ooock..no look b..e..auti..ful?" I said as it came out as a question. "Wait! You look beautiful!" I said fixing my sentence.

She looked at me weird then nodded. "Thanks Ray. You look nice too"

I smiled quickly then looked around.

"So what did you do today other then take me out?" she smiled as she looked at the menu. I quickly looked down at my cards and looked to see if it was one for that.

"Ray..wha..what are you doing?" she asked me confused. I slowly looked up and flashed a fake smile at her.

"Y-y-yes?" I asked stuttering.

"What are you doing down there? You aren't playing with your-"

"Y/N!" I shouted cutting her off.

"Ha I know that would make you mad..it always did when we were kids" She laughed. "But really tell me what you're doing." she continued.

I sighed and threw the cards up on the table. "Prince thought I should do note cards because he and Roc got me nervous and I forgot all things I was going to say" I sighed.

"What did they say?"

"They said I would mess something up and ruin our friendship and relationship as a couple" I said picking with the fork on the table.

"Raaaay you don't need to be nervous about anything. Just think of as if we're eating out just to hang out or something" she laughed. I looked at her ans shrugged.

"I guess I could" I smiled at her. She grabbed the note cards off the table and flipped through them all.

"You're so stupid for trying to read these" she laughed at me as she gave them back to me. I shrugged and laughed at her.

"Now aren't you stupid for going for a stupid guy?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes and giggled.

It was nothing to be nervous about after all..


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