2016 tag

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I got tagged by humble hitalia girl ( spelled that wrong) a wile ago, so since I have some spare time I am going to do it now. I don't know 13 people on watt pad, so some will be one watt pad and some won't. Here we go!

Humble hitalia girl
We have known each other for so many years, 9 now! And I hope for many more! You are by far my best friend in the world, thank you so much for staying with me and by stubbornness. You helped me through a lot of tuff time in my life, and I can't thank you enuf for that. We make a grate pair, and you helped me to become who I am today. I remember chasing you that first week of school, trying to figure out why you were running away! Hahaha! 😂 thank you so much for being my best friend, and I'm still going to steal your backpack. 😇

Len kaguma 01 ( I spelled it wrong because you refused to tell me who's to spell it 😈)
I am facetiming you as I wright this, as you know/knew. We spend a lot of time facetiming each other, wow. Thank you for being my crazy sphyco friend! When I first met you, it was on my first day of (insert name here). I am socially aka-ward, espeshaly back then. I was nervous, and hoping to make some new friends. You were not what I had in mind. Without warning, you takled me out of no where! I was a little hesitant to have you meet my friend at the music centre, but I'm glad that it worked out well. You are crazy, spontaneous, to obsessed with role play, and one of the best friends I could I ask for! Thanks (insert name here)

I don't know anyone else on watt pad, so here are some people in real life

My cheerleader friend
I highly don't you will read this, but I am writhing this any way. I remember when I first met you, you were dressed like the stereotypical jypsee. We quickly became good friends, and you are part of the reason that I joined gymnastics, witch was one of the best decisions of my life. You are an awesome dancer, gymnast, and friend

My friends from camp this summer
We quickly became good friends at camp and the three of us had a grate two weeks this summer. You put up me during our six days in algonquine on Tripp, even though it was my first canoe trip. We had a lot of serious conversations, and silly ones. We had a grate time at camp, and I can't wait for next year!

I tried to think of more people, but I honestly don't know that many people. Wow, these got sincere. Well, humble hitalia girl, you already did this, but Len kaguma 01 (who still won't tell me how to spell it) you have now been tagged for it at least twice! No getting out of it now, mwahahaaaaaaaaaa

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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