Chapter 14

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I don't know how long I stay like that on the floor but eventually my mom comes in and finds me lying there, tear tracks staining my face and broken glass littering the floor.

"Honey what happened?" She asks, her voice filled with alarm. She comes over and I point to the letter lying on the floor next to me. She picks it up and begins to read. When she's done she gives me a sad, pitying look and then sits on the floor next to me and pulls me towards her and into a hug. I let her hold me for a while and then pull away.

"Are you okay?" She asks, I shake my head. "No." I whisper horsely, "He's gone, he's gone and I'm here. He made me this promise, when he gave me this ring. He promised that he would never leave, that he would love me forever and he broke it. He broke that promise, and I'm so mad at him but..." I lift up the ring, "I still love him."

She seems surprised by my answer but if there's one thing that Annie has taught me it's that I have to speak up. Keeping everything inside isn't healthy. My mom may not understand but she's still here, she hasn't gone anywhere.

"Honey, I know you may not think so right now but all of this, it gets easier. It takes a long time but eventually it does get easier. I'm not saying that you should forget what's happened to you, you never will. You will always remember the broken promises and the feeling of betrayal and the hurt that this has caused you. But you'll also remember the love that you shared and the kindness that he had and the friendship that started it all."

"You'll never forget but you'll start to think about it all just a little bit less. One day one day you'll wake up and it won't be the first thing you think of in the morning or the last thing you think about when you go to sleep. It will still be there but it won't consume you anymore."

"It will get better, it will get easier but you will never forget. Someday, you'll have the clarity that comes from the struggle. Your anger will fade and this letter will be something that you cherish. It will be a reminder of the love that you shared with him rather than the broken promises. I know that's probably not something that you want to hear right now but I promise Marissa, it's true."

I stare at her for a moment, letting her words sink in. I know that she's right as I stare at the letter and think of all that it reminds me of. It's all just raw and fresh now but it will get better. I have to believe that it will or I'm never going to get anywhere.

Slowly, I push myself to my feet and cross the room, picking up the shattered picture frame. I shake the broken glass into my trash can and then cross the room and set the picture frame up on my desk. My gaze lingers on it and then I turn back and look at my mom.

She gives me an encouraging smile from where she stands, half in and half out of my doorway. "Mom," I say shakily, "I'm not fixed yet. It hurts, all of it. I'm so sorry that I've pushed you away but right now... right now I needed my mom. So thank you for just being my mom."

She smiles at me, "I don't ever want to be anything else. If you ever need anything, you can come to me, I might only be able to offer a shoulder to lean on but sometimes that's all a person needs. I love you Marissa, just remember, you'll always be my baby girl."


A/N: Sorry this is so short but it's kind of a filler chapter and it gives a little bit of insight into Marissa's mom who has been in and out of the entire story. 

The next chapter is a switch up chapter so it will be in a different POV! I won't tell you whose but I hope you like it!

 I hope you all like the story so far and I would love to hear your opinions on it. Let me know what you think. I hope you all have a glorious week! 



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