Chapter One

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Kayla's POV
I wake up dreading once again another day of my older brother picking on me and him hanging out with his girlfriend and friends. Which is another reminder that I don't have a boyfriend nor do I have friends.

Drew's girlfriend, Toby has attempted to befriend me. She's really nice, so I don't get why such a nice girl can date such a jerk like my brother. Sometimes she'll ask me if I want to go get our nails done or accompany her for one of her many shopping trips. Today was one of those days.

I decide to finally get out of bed and get ready. I slip on some black skinny jeans, and a tribal print tank top. I go into my bathroom and straighten my blonde hair. I put some perfume on before slipping on some all white Vans.

"Kayla!" I hear Drew call. Yup Toby must be here. Cause I wasn't called some rude name by my brother, he actually used my name.

See Drew and I don't have the best relationship. Since our mom passed away in a car accident a while ago, Drew has never been the same. He use to go out every night, get drunk and hook up with random girls. But that all changed once he met Toby. And our dad works 24/7 so we rarely see him.

I walk downstairs where I see Drew practically sucking Toby's face off. Toby is like every guys dream girl. She's super skinny, average height, auburn hair that went to her waist, and bright green eyes.

I on the other hand was freakishly tall, medium length blonde hair, and dull green eyes. So she was like a goddess compared to me.

"Hey Kayla!" She exclaims happily as she pulls away from Drew.

"Hi." I say rather quietly.

"You ready?" She asks and I nod.

"Have fun you two." Drew says before kissing her on the cheek.

"Bye babe we'll see you in a bit." She says before we walk out of the house. We walk over to her white Bentley. Once again typical California girl.

Wes's POV
Today Drew was coming over to hang with Keaton I for a bit. Let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm Wesley Stromberg, I'm seventeen, my best friend is Drew Chadwick and I have a younger brother named Keaton.

"So how's your sister?" Keaton asks Drew as we sit here playing COD.

"Annoying as ever." Drew says causing the both of them to laugh.

"She can't be that bad." I say. I never got why Drew hated his sister.

"I bet you couldn't put up with her for four months."

"I bet I could." I say and a devilish smile comes on his face.

"Ok if you can date Kayla for four months, then I will get Kara McCoy to go out with you." Drew says knowing I have had this huge crush on Kara McCoy since like the 8th grade.

"Ok deal." I say and he smirks.

"You're so not gonna last."

A/N hello everyone! So this is a story I am writing for my good friend here on Wattpad Keatongirl-12 so she is Kayla and I am Toby. So go give her some love on her stories! So yeah love you guys!

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