Chapter 1: Love Blues

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Love Blues

There is nothing more annoying than a love-sick dragonelle. I can't imagine anything that could be worse, even Alicia being love-sick wouldn't be as bad. Catherine and I have been staying with the Sumter family for the past year, and in that time Catherine and I have gone to school and discovered the pains and joys associated with it. The joys include out-performing everyone in physical education, and one of the pains has already been mentioned. Catherine and I were immediately popular with the humans of the opposite sex. I had to find new ways to my classes every day to avoid the crush of would-be girlfriends. Catherine didn't even try, she just ran from her locker to class as fast as she could, attempting to out-distance the boys. Most of the time we could get away, but some points seemed like we had been backed into a corner.

Then it all changed when Catherine met Sam Williams. He immediately won her over, being the captain of the football team, and no matter what I said, she always tried to meet him at some point during the day. I told her multiple times, "If he finds out you're a dragon, he'll be gone faster than lightning." I might as well have been talking to a brick wall. It just went in one ear and back out the other.

It seemed Catherine couldn't find anything wrong with him, "He's smart, funny, captain of the football team, and he's drop dead gorgeous!"

"You do realize that he does the same thing with all the other girls at school?" I said, "He flirts with anything in a skirt, regardless of the consequences."

"You're just jealous because I found a man I like and you couldn't get a girl if she was glued to you." she said snidely. "If you'll excuse me, I have some sprucing up to do before we leave for school. She disappeared into her room, and I knew she wouldn't come out until we were about to be late for the bus. I walked down to the dining room to get some breakfast before we left. As usual the food was piled high, and I stuffed myself on eggs and sausage. Josiah was already at the table, and I was able to talk with him for a moment before Alicia walked in as well.

"Alright." she said, "Now that we're all awake, I have an announcement. I'm going to be taking Brian to Prom."

Josiah laughed so hard he nearly choked on his eggs, "Brian? As in Brian Freemen? Could you pick a worse boy to go with?"

Alicia looked at him with a dagger glance, "No. As in Brian Freeman who is the head of the Science O. team. I happen to like him very much thank you."

"That's almost as bad as Catherine and Sam." I said, "Only the difference is you two both have brains the size of watermelons. We'd be lucky if Catherine and Sam together added up to that."

Alicia looked like she was about to throw some insults my direction as well, but just then Mr. and Mrs. Sumter walked in and any choice phrases had to be stashed away for later use. Mr. Sumter walked up to the long table full of food and selected some choice bits of bacon and two eggs, letting his wife choose what she wanted as well. They sat down at the dining table and we were all able to have a somewhat smooth meal until Catherine bounced down the stairs. She walked over to the table and piled her plate high with a dozen eggs, three dozen slices of toast, and a huge cup of milk. She wobbled over to the rest of us and somehow managed to place it all on the table without spilling anything.

"I hope I get to see Sam today." she said perkily, "He's going to ask me to the Prom I just know it."

"Like he asked every other girl within earshot." I mumbled into my glass of O.J.

Catherine snapped a dagger glance at me, but busied herself with eating rather than comment.

Mr. Sumter watched as the huge pile of food in front of Catherine disappeared before our eyes. As she finished he said, "If I didn't know how much food you need to function as a dragon, I would have never believed the amount of food you both eat." He looked over at me and my respective pile of empty plates, "You're lucky I have all the money we'll ever need, or you wouldn't last a week the way you eat."

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