Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The next 2 days flew by rather quickly, surprising both Crystal Blue and Michael. The Wildcat football Varsity game was that night, and they both were excited to be going out together.

Crystal Blue looked through her closet for something to wear to the game. "Well..." she said to herself, "our colors are red white and black, so what can I wear?" she questioned. She didn't want to go too dressy, but not to dressed down, although it wear a football game. It was her first date, or was it a date? Michael did say that he wanted to take her "out", she thought he meant as in a date. She truly and sincerely hoped with all of her heart that it was indeed a date that was scheduled for that night.

Michael, on the other hand, already knew what he was wearing; he's had his outfit picked out since the day he brought the tickets exactly a week back. He began to thoroughly dry himself off after he showered, then got dressed. He stepped into a crisp pair of black jeans; a plain white t-shirt; with a red, black and white Letterman's Jacket ontop of it. He put on a regular pair of black penny loafers and looked in the mirror to pick his fro out. Once he was perfectly lined up, it was going on 6:20, and the game started at 7 pm, in less than an hour. He grabbed his black leather wallet, stuffed it inside his back pocket, grabbed the tickets and left out of his room.

On the way out the front door, Joseph was sitting in the reclining chair, watching TV. "Hey, son. Heading out?" He asked.

Michael nodded. "Football game tonight." He flashed his jacket. "Like the jacket?" He asked while smirking.

Joseph sat up and smiled. "Actually I do. That's nice, boy where'd you get that kind of gear?"

He smiled. "School store. They were on sale for only $120. Gave me a discount and I got it for 60."

"Half off?" He questioned. "Not bad."

"Thanks, Joseph. And Hey, when Blue comes out, can you tell her that I'm outside waiting on her?" He asked.

Joseph was taken back by this. "Wait, you actually convinced her to leave the house for something other than school purposes?" He asked. "Wow. I'm impressed. I'm glad you two are becoming close. She needs someone other than Cassie to talk to." He said.

Michael smiled. "Thanks Joseph. We'll be back around 10:30. Depends on how long the game drags on. See you later!" He called, then finally left out the front door.

Meanwhile in Crystal Blue's room, she was still having trouble deciding what to wear. She had already spent hours straightening her hair for the first time ever, so all she needed to do was get dresses, but she had no idea what to wear. "Cassie!" She yelled. "Cassie come here!"

Shortly, her little sister Cassandra appeared in the room. "Yes?" She sweetly answered.

"Come in and shut the door." She asked. "I need your help."

Cassandra walked in and closed the door, then looked at her big sister. "Woah, Blue your hair looks so pretty!"

Crystal Blue smiled, "Thank you, Cass. Now, could you help me pick out something red, black, and white to wear to the football game?" She desperately asked.

"I like those jeans." Cassandra said as she pointed to a folded up pair of red jeans at the top of the closet. "Wear those."

Crystal Blue reached and pulled them down, then smiled. "My red skinny jeans! Yes!" She exclaimed excitedly. "I forgot about these!"

Cassandra laughed. "Wear that black V-Neck hanging up too." She said, referring to the black, plain, short sleeved t-shirt hanging on a hanger.

Crystal Blue smiled. "Thanks so much, Cass. I owe you one."

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